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On 1/30/2011 at 4:33 PM, DonRocks said:

As for pissaladière (the "other" specialty from Nice), that's another story entirely - a much more difficult execution, and I've never come across a good one here in the U.S. that wasn't homemade by, well, Member Number One or magdalena. Note to Gillian: don't pit the olives. :)

Super recette pour une excellente pissaladière:

Pour 10 couverts:

500 grammes de pâte à pain

3 kilos d'oignons

2 gousses d'ail

50 grammes d'olives noires de Nice

10 filets d'anchois

bouquet garni

Huile d'olive


Emincer finement 3 kgs d'oignons, les saler légèrement et les faire fondre à feu très doux dans une marmite couverte, avec 2 gousses d'ail écrasées, un petit bouquet garni et une cuillerée à soupe d'huile d'olive. Les oignons doivent être très cuits sans avoir pris couleur.

Etendre la pâte à pain prise chez le boulanger sur une plaque de 25 centimètres de circonférence.

Laisser lever dans un endroit tiède, puis, lorsque le volume de la pâte a doublé, la faire "sécher" 10 minutes à four chaud.

Extraire le bouquet garni de la cuisson des oignons. Etaler les oignons sur toute la surface de la pâte bien sèche. Egaliser avec une cuillère en bois, éparpiller les olives, placer quelques filets d'anchois assez près les uns des autres. Arroser d'un bon filet d'huile d'olive.

Mettre à four bien chaud pendant 15 minutes environ. Poivrer en sortant fu four. La pissaladière se consomme chaude ou tiède. Elle peut se conserver dans un endroit frais, pendant 4 à 5 jours.

Enjoy. Sorry. It would be difficult to write in English.

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Looks as though Magdelena's source was from the definitive work of cuisine nissarde, La Bonne Cuisine du Comte de Nice, which written by the beloved and utterly corrupt former Mayor of Nice, Jacques Medecin.

If you're not in the mood to translate, Mrs. B and I have come up up with a recipe that would -- based on too limited but enthusiastic sampling -- come up in the upper third of whatever you can get in Nice's Vielle Ville.

Make some pizza dough.

Slow cook thinly-sliced onions in olive oil. Throw in some garlic and thyme. Consider adding a shot of cream (utterly inauthentic, but not bad when you're in the mood) and a tablespoon or two of sherry vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste, and Monsieur le Maire/Magdalena add a little sugar. Maybe a bay leaf. I think we can safely assume that every vendor and housewife in the Greater Nicoise Metro Area has their own secrets, so nudge the onions as you see fit.

Roll the dough out as you would for pizza -- somehow pissaladiere seems more proper square than round -- slather the onions on top of the the dough and then arrange the anchovies and halved, pitted olives artfully on top (Mrs B and I make tend to make harlequin triangles with the anchovies, with the olives in the middle)- and bake hot on a pizza stone until the ends of the onions start to get a little black. And little sprigs pf parsley artistically stacked make the proper garnish.

Since this can be served at room temperature, it is frightfully good for picnics and covered dish type events.

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