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Basketball Rule Changes - Why Not Think about Undoing Some?


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These centers were so dominant that they forced rule changes on the game.

Then, they instituted the three-point shot, perhaps as a further deterrent to centers; perhaps as something of a novelty. But regardless of why they did it, I doubt they knew it would change the way the entire game is played.

Perhaps the game is better-off now than it ever was, and there's absolutely no reason to undo these rules.

Or, perhaps the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction, and it's time to give centers back some authority.

I have no answers, only questions, but it's time someone asked the questions.

And yes, Stephen Curry would be added to the above list as someone so dominant that he forced yet another rule change.

Personally, I think Wilt Chamberlain's "Free-Throw Plane" rule is the most amazing of them all (he was the Big 8 high-jump champion and could triple jump more than 50 feet).

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