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Breastaurants Rack Up Profits

Al Dente

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4) Deconstruct the heterosexual hegemony to posit analogous enterprises catering to all sexualities.

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Option: Use gender analysis to foreground the empowerment of female employees in postmodern "breastaurants".

This is why I left academia.
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1) How much is a taste for this sort of thing cultural vs. biological?

2) Is gleeful reporting of this sort of thing like buying a shiny red sportscar?

3) What would a counterpart for heterosexual women be?

4) Deconstruct the heterosexual hegemony to posit analogous enterprises catering to all sexualities.

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Option: Use gender analysis to foreground the empowerment of female employees in postmodern "breastaurants".

1. I'm not sure if it matters but similar things seem to occur in every culture I can think of. Of course I may have missed a few.

2. Yes. But much less expensive. In that sense it is quite democratic, being an affordable pleasure.

3. Well now. Shall we muse on that for a bit?

4. I would but I can't stand that word 'hegemony'. I'd warrant that there is no word in the English language as hegemonious as hegemony (excepting the word 'epistemology' which is on equal footing). Repulsive critter of a word and I have to run like hell when it appears.

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Option: A: In a nutshell, the epistemology of the hegemony has been misconstrued. People have been looking at this thing upside-down. And though the view is an interesting one from this position, the woods are not being seen for the trees. It is important in this analysis to remember that (measurably) the more a thing is talked about the more inner power it holds. There is actually a secret hegemony, but one unspoken, unnamed. To give it a name it would reduce it to the everyday, to the mundane, and actually to the academic which finally, may be the worst fate of all. :P

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