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Hoegaarden Brewery


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Does anyone know if Hoegaarden was bought out by another company? It seems that it is now becoming more available (not that I'm complaining about that) and I was wondering what it might be attributable to?

Additionally, any other Belgian White Ale recommendations would be welcomed...

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Hoegaarden's been increasingly available in the US over the last 10 years or so, in this area it's pretty common for places to get the tap package with Stella, Hoegaarden, and Leffe (all owned by Interbrew).

You might also like the pretty widely available Allagash White, other less common ones worth seeking out are Vuuve, Blanc de Bruges, Wittekerke, and Dentergem (which was briefly on tap at Saint-Ex last year).

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Does anyone know if Hoegaarden was bought out by another company?  It seems that it is now becoming more available (not that I'm complaining about that) and I was wondering what it might be attributable to?

The conglomerate that owned Hoegaarden merged with another conglomerate in late 2004 to form an even bigger conglomerate. The upshot of this is that the Hoegaarden brewery in the town that gave it its name is currently being closed down and production is being moved to a new industrial plant in Southern Belgium. Consumers are assured that this will in no way affect the quality of the beer itself. They are also urged to buy this here bridge, which I have for sale quite cheaply.

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