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Lulu B.

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Holy Quacamole, Batman. Look at this! Anyone seen this stuff around?

My Syrah, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir wines are a warm and sunny expression of my Southern French terroir with the best of the New World which makes them delightful, delicious and captivating.

Sounds fabulous, Mark! I can understand why you want to track these down. They'll make a great addition to the wine list at Citronelle. For the folks who are ready to move up from Bicyclette...;-}

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My Syrah, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir wines are a warm and sunny expression of my Southern French terroir with the best of the New World which makes them delightful, delicious and captivating.

Sounds fabulous, Mark! I can understand why you want to track these down. They'll make a great addition to the wine list at Citronelle. For the folks who are ready to move up from Bicyclette...;-}


NO !

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Can I get the back story on this in summary format? I'm far too lazy/busy to navigate through that annoying website. ;)

She is zee daughter of Loo-wee Bernard. She is also zee creation of zee marketing geniuses at Boisset. Obviously trying to sell wine to Canadians.

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She is zee daughter of Loo-wee Bernard. She is also zee creation of zee marketing geniuses at Boisset. Obviously trying to sell wine to Canadians.

We actually carried these, briefly, about a year ago. I will go on record as saying they are not awful, but certainly not worth the money asked. I remember upon release they came with entry forms on the bottle necks advertising a chance for you and your friends to "Party with Lulu B," or some such thing. An actual french model would come in character as Lulu to a catered party for you and like 50 friends. I can only imagine the likes of those who sent in those cards...

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(Whistles innocently to self...)

Man, were they ever angry with me when they read this. I was accused of "web-cowardice" (posting my real feelings online because I was "afraid" to tell them in person) which was hardly the case. At the time I was merely being polite to those people (I never lied to them, I never told them that I liked this stuff or even approved of it), but the more I thought about this concept, the angrier I got, and I decided to say something about it here.

Frankly, I can't believe that this stuff is still around. With the dollar getting massacred by the euro, this stuff has to be at least a dollar or two higher than it was two years ago.

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As Max Mosley would say, in a somewhat different accent, "Zey need more of ze punishment, I sink."
(Hums "Schadenfreude") I believe those fine puppety folks from Avenue Q summed this one up pretty well. "Happiness at the misfortune of others? That is German!" ;)
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