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Store Reporter

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Everything posted by Store Reporter

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Lydia R. The news site is actually called Store Reporter (www.storereporter.com). We cover retail and restaurants in Rockville/Potomac and the surrounding areas and have been following the Attman's story since they closed at Cabin John. More updates to come as they get closer to opening.
  2. After last week's Store Reporter came out, the landlord got in touch to say that the Rockville Chuy's may reopen after all. If we hear this from Chuy's directly -- not likely, but these are crazy times -- we'll run an update. Our bet is that this closing will remain permanent.
  3. Pizza CS has been a labor of love, but also an around-the-clock endeavor for the founders. It will be missed by many of us. Here's the Store Reporter article: "Pizza CS, Corned Beef King, hello Eerkins, and goodbye Golden Samovar" on storereporter.com
  4. Hello all, I'm Cheryl Kane Heimlich, publisher of Store Reporter (www.storereporter.com). We cover retail and restaurant openings and closings in the greater Rockville/Potomac area. Our news site is free, and if you live in this area you can sign up for our weekly news emails (also free, all supported by local advertising). I look forward to getting to know the Don Rockwell community, and I always welcome news tips, questions and suggestions for what we should be covering. You can reach me anytime at cheryl@storereporter.com.
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