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  1. Before the Ferrari, the Fiat and that cute gal from the pictures, Sophia Loren, there was bollito misto. The Oxford Companion to Italian Food describes bollito misto as “the familiar ‘boiled dinner’ made from one or more pieces of meat simmered together and separately to create a rich and distinctive blend of flavors. A staple of Piedmont regional cuisine, the big flavors and variety that bollito misto offers is best enjoyed the traditional way: among groups of friends and family. Getting it right takes quite a bit of prep as you can see here. So consider joining us at Amici Miei Ristorante in Potomacas we celebrate a dinner tradition that's been popular in Italy for centuries, that you don't quite see around everyday in these parts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh2VLzKXbSw
  2. Hello, my name is Nandini Jammi and I'm a first-timer here on Don Rockwell. Boy, was I surprised to hear there's a thriving underground forum frequented by DC food lovers and restauranteurs alike- what a lively and intelligent online alternative for the truly passionate! I created this account on behalf of Amici Miei Ristorante, a popular neighborhood Italian spot in Potomac, Maryland. The restaurant is co-owned by Roberto Deias and Davide Megna, both of whom spent years at some of DC's best Italian spots, such as Café Milano, Galileo, Al Tiramisu, Arucola and Sette Osteria before they buckled down to open up Amici Miei Ristorante in the Potomac suburbs. We'll be here on Don Rockwell checking up on the foodie scene as well as posting up info about our events- we have wine dinners, cooking classes and other special events and we'd love for you to know about them. Grazie!
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