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Everything posted by shortorder

  1. Very impressed on my first visit. I started with the prune and potato dumplings, with speck, which I found a little bland, and too filling for an appetizer. Then the celeraic saurkraut, which was delicious, even though the celeraic wasn't detectable. Then the black pudding, or black sausage, which was three little mounds of dark sausage meat, and various spices. excellent. Good beers, too.
  2. I'm Bob B., originally from Los Angeles, now a resident of Northern Virginia since 1989. I use the name "shortorder" because that's how I cook for my family--quick and simple, and often individual. I have been a longtime lurker on Chowhound. My immediate family are not really interested in "new" or "interesting" in food, so my restaurant visits are usually with others, including some of my friends from Chowhound. I was inspired to join DR so I could post about a recent meal at Lyon Hall.
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