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The speculoos ice cream is the single best flavor of ice cream I have had on this side of the Atlantic in a restaurant. Excepting Berthillion's prune and armagnac in Paris this is a extraordinary dessert and probably the best flavor I have had anywhere. With cinnamon, cloves, ginger and brown sugar

Addendum: this is a recipe for speculoos ice cream - http://onfoodandwine.wordpress.com/2007/03...n-le-speculoos/

I have not found a recipe for the ice cream on the web. But using this as a base I will make it. Just incredibly flavorful ice cream.

I have known about spekulaas ever since I married into a family that is 1/2 Dutch. Spekulaas cookies have always been traditional holiday treats in Holland, but as my mother-in-law has gotten older she has given up doing much if any baking. For her they are a sense memory of childhood. To me they are just somewhat dry, crispy spice cookies. In recent years, I've found them at Rodman's, and I send them to her. I can imagine it being a good ice cream flavor--Dutch/Belgian "cookies 'n cream" as it were.

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I have known about spekulaas ever since I married into a family that is 1/2 Dutch. Spekulaas cookies have always been traditional holiday treats in Holland, but as my mother-in-law has gotten older she has given up doing much if any baking. For her they are a sense memory of childhood. To me they are just somewhat dry, crispy spice cookies. In recent years, I've found them at Rodman's, and I send them to her. I can imagine it being a good ice cream flavor--Dutch/Belgian "cookies 'n cream" as it were.

I suspect that speculoos and spekulass are the same, certainly a similar cookie sold by a different name for the country it is in. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...19152338AA48Do8 The closest flavor I've had here would be a kind of intense cinnamon ice cream in a vanilla base. There were not any chunks of cookie but it might be interesting to bake speculoos/spekulass cookies and mix chunks of them-perhaps with some pieces of almond, too-into the ice cream base before freezing it. But I think the base must have brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves and ginger regardless of whether there are cookie pieces or not.

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Clothilde Desrouliers of Chocolate and Zucchini posted this picture of a ginormous speculoos cookie.

She also has some recipes, including this basic one here.

That's the biggest speculoos I've ever seen. Also the smallest.

The recipe looks simple enough, but I'm sure the trick would be to find the real brown sugar from france or belgium, the one made from beet syrup. Maybe I should call Schrute Farms Beets.

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