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Two general queries:

1) Local purple cauliflower

I'm used to getting this from Sunnyside [Not Organic--the other one w smoking farmers] at Dupont Circle, but they only planted for spring, not fall crops.

Anyone else seen it--or is cauliflower late given the crazy weather we're having?

2) Pears

While I've been very impressed by local Asian apple pears, softer varieties have been disappointing so far. Maybe it's a matter of being over-ripe, but I sliced one of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen--golden w long splashes of rose--into a salad of arugula, toasted walnuts and blue cheese last night. Flavor and texture were both disappointing. I prefer to buy Bosc pears only for cooking.

Recommendations for good ones to eat raw?

Names of venders and markets would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Two general queries:

1) Local purple cauliflower

I'm used to getting this from Sunnyside [Not Organic--the other one w smoking farmers] at Dupont Circle, but they only planted for spring, not fall crops.

Anyone else seen it--or is cauliflower late given the crazy weather we're having?

2) Pears

While I've been very impressed by local Asian apple pears, softer varieties have been disappointing so far. Maybe it's a matter of being over-ripe, but I sliced one of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen--golden w long splashes of rose--into a salad of arugula, toasted walnuts and blue cheese last night. Flavor and texture were both disappointing. I prefer to buy Bosc pears only for cooking.

Recommendations for good ones to eat raw?

Names of venders and markets would be appreciated. Thanks.

Can't speak to your cauliflower concern, but as far as pears at Dupont go, try red bartletts. Toigo has them as does the intense little woman (can't recall her farm's name offhand) with all of the rules.

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