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Our New Look


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We're officially abandoning Invision's homely default skin ("skin" is their term for how the website looks), and adopting two new ones:

1) CleanCut - This is (for now) the default skin, and will be officially sanctioned by Invision. Although it's still in a "Beta Testing" phase, I've been using it for a couple of months, and it's a LOT better than what we had before today.

2) Classic Blue - This is another option, for those of you who don't like CleanCut, or for anyone reminiscing about how the board "used to look." It's got the same light-blue color we used for years, even though it's a brand new skin. Important: This is NOT an Invision product, and is not supported by Invision; it was developed by a group of volunteers who missed the old Invision blue skin.

You can toggle back-and-forth between the two (and also a Lo-Fi version, which contains less graphics and works well with slow connections) on the bottom-left corner of the home page. They each have their own appeal, and their own pros and cons. Neither is perfect by any means, but this is what we have available for the time being; I couldn't bear to make people suffer with what we had any longer.


Advertisements - The Google ads you see are there for visitors and members who have not posted. As soon as you make one post, they'll go away. This was a custom application that I paid to have written. These ads are not intended as a moneymaker; they are an incentive for people to join the community as participating members.

Guests: Please re-read the preceding paragraph. This remains an advertisement-free website for participating members, i.e., anyone who joins and posts just one time. Members also have the ability to sign in anonymously, so their employers don't see them whittling away their work day on the web site. :angry:

I hope everyone enjoys the new skins - and a big THANK YOU to Brian for designing our new logos. (And once again, thank you to Jason for having designed the logo that got us through our first four years).



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I like the representational addition to the logo!

Thanks for all the hard work, Don and everyone.

As for the ads, many of us are used to them just about everywhere that isn't run through Invision and here over the past week or so, they've hardly been obnoxious, distracting or bothersome (though being invited to a web site with hot babes has been a bit disconcerting since I am used to gmail's capacity to target ads based on the content I write).

I wonder if they will disappear for good now that I've logged in and posted, or if they'll always be there when I read the board without logging in.

* * *

ETA: Just discovered that, indeed, the banner of ads returns, simple and imageless when you log out. The black, white and blue band of text disappears momentarily, replaced by the colorful strip of images (hot babes)--maybe after you refresh browser.

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I wonder if they will disappear for good now that I've logged in and posted, or if they'll always be there when I read the board without logging in.

You have to be logged in - there was no reasonable technical way to implement the change otherwise. But of course you can sign in anonymously if you wish, and they'll be gone.

The more members that are signed on, the greater the sense of community - of that I am certain. Guests are always welcome, of course, but it's the active members that breathe life into this website every day.

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