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Garlic Blight?


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For the past few months, it seems like all the grocery store garlic is total shit. When I'm lucky enough to find a head that doesn't feel soft, when I open it up all the cloves have brown spots and indentations. It doesn't matter if I store them for a month or open them right when I get back from the store, it doesn't matter what store I go to or what day of the week.

Is there a garlic crisis, or do we just have bad luck?

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Dan, I've had the same experience lately. It is disappointing, to say the least. I've all but stopped buying garlic at Whole Foods, because their stock seems to be the worst with the brown spots and even mold. H-Mart garlic seems to have the fewest problems, IME. I can't speak for other retail outlets.

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Dan, I've had the same experience lately. It is disappointing, to say the least. I've all but stopped buying garlic at Whole Foods, because their stock seems to be the worst with the brown spots and even mold. H-Mart garlic seems to have the fewest problems, IME. I can't speak for other retail outlets.

Hmm, so it's not just me. But what could be the cause?

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I've all but stopped buying garlic at Whole Foods, because their stock seems to be the worst with the brown spots and even mold.

Same here. I've stopped buying the organic garlic at WF and now buy regular garlic at (aack) Safeway. I have no idea what's going on, but it's been going on for several months now.

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Hmm, so it's not just me. But what could be the cause?

The garlic at SFW has been fine. Another month or so, and the approximately ten million garlic plants I have in my garden will be mature and you can have some of them. :lol:

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