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"Investing in Restaurants Can Work, but It's Not as Easy as Pie," Paul Sullivan in the NY Times, May 11, 2012


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I don't think anyone that has ever worked in a restaurant would underestimate how difficult it is-hey, when I win the Megamillions, I'll start a restaurant, too, w/ the help of everyone here. This article was pretty generic, if I have a couple of million dollars, & can afford to wait 5 years, I will have a successful restaurant. The real story is the restaurants that don't start w/ unlimited resources, w/ a focused vision, that are still serving after a couple of years-probably easier to leave your money in safer investments & eat out, & appreciate the ones who get it right.

In this age of super critical, yelp-inspired diners, you have to get it right every time- the odds seem to be stacked against you, even if 50% of our dining dollars are spent eating out....

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