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The Nov 13, 2015 Terrorist Attacks on Paris - Over 100 Dead in Coordinated Soft-Target Attacks


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"Paris Attacks: Americans Injured in Attack French President Calls 'Act of War'" by Emily Knapp and Emily Shapiro on abcnews.go.com

We've *all* been whispering to each other for nearly fifteen years that these "soft-target" attacks are coming, and quite frankly, it's surprising they didn't start before now.

The only - repeat, *only* - good thing that might come from this slaughter is that other countries may get some resolve in eliminating and terminating Islamic Terrorist groups. Like a cancer, there will be no cure until every last mutated cell is physically destroyed. Unfortunately, like with cancer, it's impossible to target only cancer cells - using today's technology, good cells must necessarily be destroyed along with the bad, if there is to be any chance of eliminating the disease, and eliminating the disease is the only hope of saving the body being attacked.

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I'm not very hopeful. I fully expect to see in my lifetime a nuclear attack on a major city by a non-state actor. In fact, I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't happened already, given, oh, Pakistan and some of the people who hang out there. I'm afraid it might be my own city. The actions of the U.S. government over the last twenty years have made it more rather than less likely.

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