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The EPA (1970-) - the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Founded by President Nixon


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It's hard to believe, but when I left working as a contractor with the EPA in 2009, I'd worked with them for 60% of their existence.

Yes, I'm the brains (or semi-brains) behind their primary enforcement system: ECHO (if anyone wants to purchase that domain name, contact me).

"It's Been One Year of Amazing Scott Pruitt Achievements, All of Them Horrible" by Amy Thomson and Rebecca Leber on motherjones.com

Make no mistake: If you feel the EPA should be dismantled (and remember: It didn't even exist until 1970), then Scott Pruitt is your man. However, if you *don't* think so, then Scott Pruitt is one of the most destructive people ever to work in the federal government. And the fact that he's doing his covert, dirty work under-the-radar during this incredible administration's tenure is just unbelievable - do you *really* think Richard Nixon is all that bad, having lied about Watergate? Really??

Does this not seem almost like Teapot Dome Scandal territory? Watergate, despite all the hullabaloo, wasn't *Jack Diddly Shit*.

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19 minutes ago, DaveO said:

This is occurring with virtually every cabinet level position.  A quick review here

I saw this video. Pruitt is lying when he says, "I prosecute polluters." I'll be GLAD to help any organization who wants me to use my (considerable, perhaps unmatched) knowledge to disprove his statements.

Write me at donrockwell@dcdining.com - I know ECHO, or what used to be ECHO, forwards, backwards, upside-down, inside-out, because I wrote the damned code.

In fact, the reason I posted this in the first place is because I developed a novel algorithm for data-mining massive, disparate databases using Boolean logic, and that algorithm has been buried in the dust of history, and will die when I die, unless I publicize it here - it isn't specific to EPA; it's specific to queries on different databases when rapid extraction is a concern.

If/when I write it here, it will be free to the world.

SOMEONE NEEDS TO INTERVIEW BOB GREENSPUN WHILE HE'S STILL WITH US. Listen to what I say here, dammit: I am Troisgros to his being Bocuse.

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The Cult of 45 can't see through this bullshit. Pruitt is as corrupt as they come. Follow the money-- who is benefiting from trashing all these regulations? It sure as hell ain't the people who put this freak in office.

Draining the swamp, my ass.

Is anyone else just flat out terrified about this country's future? My daughter will be trying to survive in a third world country at this rate.

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Has anyone noticed how, since Scott Pruitt left, there hasn't been any significant press about the EPA? 

Do you think this wasn't well-thought out in advance?

"Phew! Glad *he's* gone! Now, things are back to normal!"


Y'all are being worn down to complacency ...

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