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Babes In The Wood, 75 Acres in Dillwyn, VA


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The Old Town market was quite thin this morning, but I accomplished what I set out to do-check out a relatively new farmer, Babes in the Wood. Babes raises a cross of Duroc boar with Tamrock sows on 75 acres where the pigs get to forage and frolick. Today, I missed out on getting pork chops, but did manage to pick up preservative and nitrate free bacon at $6 a pound, and a couple fresh ham steaks which Bill Jones, the owner, said would cook up and taste just as good as a thicker chop.

I inquired about bone in pork chops and he said that generally, the chops are boneless-but I could call ahead to be sure he got the cuts I wanted before his pigs went to butcher.

Babes in the Wood

Rare breed, forest fed pork

Buffalo Creek Farm

327 Rodeo Lane

Dillwyn, VA


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