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So, I always liked the 12 year old Glenfiddich. One day on a whim I bought a bottle of the 15 year old and it blew me out of the water compared to the 12.

I saw 18 year old at the VA ABC store near my house, and it's not THAT much more expensive. Can anyone give me any advice as to how it compares to the 12 and 15? Is it worth it, or is it different enough that I should buy a taste of it somewhere first?


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I don't plan on necessarily buying it in VA; I just saw that it was on sale there.

I do plan on pricechecking between DC and VA, however. When I bought the 15 year old, I bought it at Schneider's, thinking I was getting a bargain. I don't regret the price, per se, but it was cheaper in VA (and was on sale that month too, goshdarnitalltoheck!).

I keep a spreadsheet with prices between VA, Schneider's, Sam's Wine (out of Chicago), and Ace Beverage (the latter is sparse in the sheet since Joe doesn't have an online price list - I'm filling it out slowly ;) ). I don't necessarily buy from the cheapest place. Even if Sam's is the cheapest place, for instance, I'd buy locally first as long as it was available and/or wasn't ruinously expensive locally. And I'll support people who rock in the customer service area (such as Ace with Joe) well before some anonymous Internet storefront or a random store where I don't know anybody.

(Schneider's has given me some good advice on whiskeys over the months, but honestly most of the time I feel like I'm being hurried in and out of there. I love talking with Joe, even if Marshall does most of the talking usually, over at Ace a lot, so I'll usually buy there first unless it's something I need urgently, like Cointreau on a Sunday.)

Oh, and quick price comparison so far: Schneider's has the 18 for $80. VA ABC has it for $68-69 right now (on sale, $73 normally). Sam's doesn't carry it it.

The 15: $40 at Sam's. $52 at Schneider's. $50 at VA ABC.

Mmmmm, scotch...should I have some of that next or some Rittenhouse 21 year old...decisions, decisions...

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Mmmmm, scotch...should I have some of that next or some Rittenhouse 21 year old...decisions, decisions...

Answer: Neither. Go with the Willett 23-year Rye, either the Iron Fist or the Velvet Glove. Both incredibly rewarding and both more satisfying than the Rittenhouse 21 ;)

Oh, and on the Glenfiddich malts? Skip 'em. There are far too many more compelling bottles out there. Highland Park 12, 15 and 18, for example.

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Answer: Neither. Go with the Willett 23-year Rye, either the Iron Fist or the Velvet Glove. Both incredibly rewarding and both more satisfying than the Rittenhouse 21 ;)

Oh, and on the Glenfiddich malts? Skip 'em. There are far too many more compelling bottles out there. Highland Park 12, 15 and 18, for example.

Please heed Joe's advice here. Adam recommending the Iron Fist to me a month back at Bar Pilar was one of the better alcohol-related things that has happened to me this year.

Have to agree on the scotch advice in regards to Highland Park. Also, give the Glenmorangie Single Malt 12 year old Port-Wood Finish a go. Fair priced and much more complex than the young Glenfiddichs, Glenlivets, and Macallans.

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At Rosslyn VA ABC Friday I saw a minis three pack of Glenfiddich - the 12, 15, and 18. Yesterday I sampled them all while sober and drinking water between them.

The results were fairly predictable, I thought. The 12 was rather "eh" to me compared to the others. The 18 was much smokier but smoother I thought. Still, the 15 and the 18 were close enough in taste comparison. If they were the same cost, I'd go for the 18 in all odds, but they're not, so I'll stick with the 15 that I already have in my cabinet.

There's a 12 in my cabinet, too, but that's for after I've already been imbibing for a while...

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