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Posts posted by GrassfedMedia

  1. Hi--I'm Sacha, DC native (since age 7, anyway), founder of Grassfed Media, and equal opportunity food lover. I've been in DC most of my life (grew up in Cleveland Park) and have seen the food scene go from blah to pretty extraordinary. I used to be a writer and editor, and occasionally wrote about food for a couple local publications and some national ones as well. Basically, I love to eat good food. My husband and I eat out A LOT, mostly in DC and VA (we live in Clarendon). We like highbrow, lowbrow and pretty much anything in between. I used to be obsessed with burgers and fried chicken (giving up Bon Chon was not easy) but have recently become a pescatarian, so that went out the window. I try to eat healthfully about 80% of the time, and spend the other 20% on pasta, breads, desserts, delicious fried things, and of course, wine. I've known about this site for eons, and I probably joined years ago, in another lifetime. Now, I'm back both as a local food advocate (s/o to Fresh Farm Markets!), restaurant supporter, and yes, also as a PR person for some smaller local food businesses. Some of my favorite spots include Bar Pilar, Estadio, The Green Pig, Liberty Tavern, Leonora Bakery (try the raspberry tart), Blue Duck Tavern, Bangkok 54, Takorean, and the Red Hen. 

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