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Posts posted by kftrockville

  1. On my way to Bread Corner last night, I passed a "Coming Soon" sign on one of the storefronts of the new building where the old Bank of America was on North Washington Street, near the XLB place.

    I. Cannot. Wait. Kung Fu Tea is the one of the closest I've had to Taiwanese milk tea or bubble drinks in the states, and I usually make a pit stop to one of their New York shops when I do get the chance to trek up there.

    They not only offer bubbles, but also offer Wow milk (or you see it as "punch milk" in Chinese), slushes, jellies, mung and red beans, and the likes. I don't know how they flavor their teas, though, as I usually get the milk tea.

    When I visited their site this morning, it listed a "Coming Soon" for a place on Heritage Drive in Annandale too.

    Although I am now slightly worried about Jumbo Jumbo Express, I hope the two can co-exist.

    Kung Fu Tea

    275 N Washington St

    Rockville, MD

    7895 Heritage Drive

    Annandale, VA

    Thank you for the post!

    Yes, we can co-exist; we specialize in drinks compare to Jumbo carries fast-food type of Taiwanese dishes.

    And in other bubble tea news, Kung Fu Tea is now open in Rockville, at 275 North Washington St.

    Interesting menu.  Note that the bubbles (or other things, like jelly or beans) cost extra.  You can customize extensively, including getting your drink more sweet (not shown on the website, but on the menu at the store), or with more or less ice.

    This was a darn good bubble tea, with a clean tea flavor despite lots of milk.  I can't really describe nuances beyond that.  It's just bubble tea, after all.

    Thank you for the feedback and kind words.

    You can customize the way you like your drink, IE sweetness, level of ice, topping, milk level, even different base for the milk tea.

    We focus on the quality of product, ingredients , and everything is made to order.

    With your next order you can order with less milk, or less ice. When you order a drink with less ice or no ice we fill it with more tea so you can get more of the base flavor.

    "You can . . . get your drink more sweet."  Because bubble tea ain't sweet enough . . . .  Actually, what's interesting, and on the menu, is that you can get it *less* sweet -- with 70%, 50%, 30% or none of the usual sugar.

    Not sure whether I want to know what "Green Wow Milk" is.

    Wow Milk is our fresh Milk Strike category, it is simply Taiwanese Green Bean with our signature Wow bubble with fresh Lactose Free milk

    There's a bug in their map locator - no matter which zip code I enter, and no matter what distance I specify, it comes up with "No results found." (I've only tried several times, but it should work every time - it's possible they simply haven't updated the location data.)

    As of this writing, there are two in the area:

    275 N. Washington St., Suite D, Rockville

    7895 Heritage Dr., Annandale

    attachicon.gifScreenshot 2015-08-22 at 08.52.15.png

    And now you know! Sort of. :mellow:

    Thank you! We are right next to Rockville town center, next to the new bank of America location.

    I finally had some punch milk or wow milk but not at KF tea. It is essential just sweetened whole milk with bubbles. While it was good, I definitely don't recommend this for those who are lactose-intolerant or sensitive.

    The norm in Taiwan milk tea places is to specify level of ice and sweetness desired when you order, btw.

    Thank you for the explanation!

    Our Wow Milk products does not include any extra sugar or sweetener, we use the flavor from the topping IE Wow bubble, Red Bean, or Herbal Jelly to flavor the drink.

    And all of our products are Lactose free!

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