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Posts posted by TheCacaoTree

  1. Just wanted to give everyone the heads up that Dolcezza (the outstanding Argentinian gelato and much more shop in Georgetown) is now carrying alfajores from chocolatier Sandra Escobar's The Cacao Tree (www.thecacaotree.com) For those who don't know, alphajores (al-pha-hor-es) are South American shortbread sandwich cookies filled with dulce de leche made from scratch and they are delicious!

    Also, if you're curious about Sandra's chocolate truffles and other confections, they are available on the website www.thecacaotree.com

    Dolcezza's website is http://www.dolcezzagelato.com/.


    Michael. (cross posted in Dolcezza thread)

  2. Just wanted to give everyone the heads up that Dolcezza is now carrying alfajores from chocolatier Sandra Escobar's The Cacao Tree (www.thecacaotree.com) For those who don't know, alphajores (al-pha-hor-es) are South American shortbread sandwich cookies filled with dulce de leche made from scratch and they are delicious!

    Also, if you're curious about Sandra's chocolate truffles and other confections, they are available on the website www.thecacaotree.com


    Michael. (cross posted in The Cacao Tree thread)

  3. As of this weekend, just in time for Halloween, gourmet cheese outfit Cowgirl Creamery (919 F Street NW in Penn Quarter) will be featuring the chocolate confections of The Cacao Tree The Cacao Tree: scrumptuous English toffee made with dark chocolate; alfajores (al-pha-hor-es) - South American shortbread sandwich cookies filled with dulce de leche made from scratch; and chocolate nut turtles filled with goat's milk caramel." Truly authentic and truly artisan like everything else sold at Cowgirl Creamery.

    This is from Sandra Escobar, the chocolatier herself:

    "Having The Cacao Tree chocolate creations featured at Cowgirl Creamery is an honor for us and attests to their true commitment and respect for food artisans in the Washington area and throughout the country. This is an exciting opportunity and because all of The Cacao Tree's products are purely delicious, they'll fit right in at this wonderful shrine to food, that is Cowgirl Creamery."

    Also, if you're curious about Sandra's chocolate truffles, they are available on the website or on the dessert menu at Cafe Atlantico in Penn Quarter.


    Michael. (cross posted in Cowgirl Creamery thread)

  4. As of this weekend, just in time for Halloween, Cowgirl Creamery will be featuring the chocolate confections of The Cacao Tree The Cacao Tree: scrumptuous English toffee made with dark chocolate; alfajores (al-pha-hor-es) - South American shortbread sandwich cookies filled with dulce de leche made from scratch; and chocolate nut turtles filled with goat's milk caramel." Truly authentic and truly artisan like everything else sold at Cowgirl Creamery.

    This is from Sandra Escobar, the chocolatier herself:

    "Having The Cacao Tree chocolate creations featured at Cowgirl Creamery is an honor for us and attests to their true commitment and respect for food artisans in the Washington area and throughout the country. This is an exciting opportunity and because all of The Cacao Tree's products are purely delicious, they'll fit right in at this wonderful shrine to food, that is Cowgirl Creamery."

    Also, if you're curious about Sandra's chocolate truffles, they are available on the website or on the dessert menu at Cafe Atlantico in Penn Quarter.


    Michael. (cross posted in The Cacao Tree thread)

  5. Thank you to everyone who went this week, the first week of the deal. Cafe Atlantico sold out of the truffles and is getting wonderful, positive feedback, and placed an order for more! We're very excited and and we appreciate your good taste and support!

    Starting Monday, August 21st, Cafe Atlantico will be featuring the hand crafted, fine and dark chocolate truffles of local chocolatier Sandra Escobar (The Cacao Tree) on the dessert menu. While I'm biased (Sandra is my sweetie), everyone seems to melt with joy when they eat her creations. I encourage you to check them out next time you are at Atlantico. More info on her website, www.thecacaotree.com



  6. I cross-posted this in the Cafe Atlantico thread (hope that's not a no-no), but starting Monday, August 21st, Cafe Atlantico will be featuring the hand crafted, fine and dark chocolate truffles of local chocolatier Sandra Escobar (The Cacao Tree) on the dessert menu. While I'm biased (Sandra is my sweetie), everyone seems to melt with joy when they eat her creations. I encourage you to check them out next time you are at Atlantico. More info on her website, www.thecacaotree.com



  7. Starting Monday, August 21st, Cafe Atlantico will be featuring the hand crafted, fine and dark chocolate truffles of local chocolatier Sandra Escobar (The Cacao Tree) on the dessert menu. While I'm biased (Sandra is my sweetie), everyone seems to melt with joy when they eat her creations. I encourage you to check them out next time you are at Atlantico. More info on her website, www.thecacaotree.com



  8. The Cacao Tree is now doing a chocolate truffle of the month club. All new infusions and flavors, the "dream truffle" is especially good. Also, keep your eyes and ears open for Cacao Tree chocolates by Sandra Escobar to be featured in some well regarded D.C. dining establishments in the coming months! I'll keep you posted.



    The Cacao Tree Website

    Glad to see that this thread is active again and that there are so many wonderful choices for quality chocolate either in the area or soon to be in the area!

    I thought i'd add that The Cacao Tree now has its first website, www.thecacaotree.com It will be updated and undoubtedly rearranged and redesigned as time moves forward, so check back often.


  9. No, They are now independent bars,by different owners. The Park Bench Pub is now called Uptown Tavern and only the downstairs is open as he cannot legally open the outside structure due to zoning laws. My understanding is that he must rebuild the existing structure completely and attach it to the existing building, as the original permit did not allow a free standing structure, which it is now. The landlord, evidently,will not pay for this, and they are going round and round with regars to this. I'm not sure how he can survive given the limited business he has with only the downstairs open. Food is offered, but I've never been game.

    Thanks, and by the way, as you undoubtedly already know, myself and my friends in the neighborhood (I live right up the block) are VERY happy that Dino is now a part of the community. My parents when they come to town always request that I take them there.

  10. The old owners of the Park Bench Pub also owned Bricks Pizza a few doors down Conn. Now Bricks is the Cleveland Park Grill or CP Grill. Anyone know if it's the same ownership as the Tavern. I used to go to the Park Bench on Sundays to watch football and the food was awful, barely edible. The brick oven pizza at CP seems to be pretty good though, and I can only hope that the upstairs at the Tavern will improve the food quality for Sundays.

  11. I just joined the board here, so this post doesn't exactly hit in time for valentine's day, but my girlfriend (Sandra Escobar) is a talented, local Chocolatier. A few months ago, she quit her job as a policy analyst at HHS to follow her dream and start her own business as a creator of handcrafted chocolate truffles, speciality cookies, english toffee, and cakes. It's similar to the Cake Love guy's story, but with a Latin twist. She's of Mexican descent and draws from her heritage and ancient Mayan history as inspiration for her culinary art. She's got a permanent spot at Western Market on Saturdays in Adams Morgan ( dcwesternmarket.com) and a website (thecacaotree.com) and the drive and talent to eventually have a store front here in the city. She is one of the few, if any, who handcraft their own truffles here (there are places that import of course) Feel free to contact her with questions at thecacaotree@hotmail.com Here are her words from her website:

    "The genesis for The Cacao Tree came from a personal connection to my family's agricultural history in Mexico, as well as the intention to create a socially responsible business that would link the richness and elegance of our desserts to the origins of the natural product itself – the cacao bean.

    To truly appreciate fine quality chocolate is to appreciate the many factors that go into cultivating and processing cacao, most of which is done by small farmers in Latin America and western Africa. With this in mind, The Cacao Tree's goal is to bridge that production gap by working with fair trade cooperatives in Mexico (in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas) and Central America.

    From Bean to Bar

    I believe the richness of chocolate resides not only in its heavenly and irrestible taste, but in its history and culture - from the Mayan indians who first cultivated it to the modern day farmers who so meticulously harvest and process it. As an artisan chocolate maker and the final link in this incredible chain of production, it gives me great joy to create confections that preserve the quality and freshness of the chocolate, and that give expression to this wonderful food. I hope you will enjoy our products as much as I enjoy creating them for you!


    Sandra Escobar


    The Mayan God Ek-Chuah

    Ek Chuah (ek means "star" and chuah "black" in Yucatec Maya) is the principal Mayan god of merchants and the patron of cacao. Because the cacao bean was a valuable commodity, essential to Pre-Columbian commerce, Ek Chuah was a venerated deity for cacao farmers in southern Mexico and Central America.

    We'd love to hear from you. Contact us at:


    Looking to sample our chocolate delights?

    You can find us at the Western Market in Adams Morgan, in northwest Washington, DC. For more information, please visit:


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