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Posts posted by Sapphireblue

  1. [Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now just wait and see how many hits your website gets from this. :rolleyes:]

    Well crap. I should've cooked up this ploy back when I kept my website updated... or watched my stats!

    Sweeter words to my ears never were spoken, but are you really sure about this? Please is all I need. But is the food there really more of a crime than the ones I'm likely to commit?

    Depends upon how strenuously one objects to bulk-quantity reconstituted diner food provided by the multinational-industrial foodbots at Sysco Corp. And, listen, I don't know what kind of offenses you'd planned to commit, but my little town (it's a drag, it's a bore....) can only benefit from any crime spree involving gratuitous speechifying, booze, and Hawaaian shirts.


    Anyway. Thanks, Don, for being of good humor about my flagrant violation of the categorical imperative as it translates to Internet forum etiquette. This is quite some place you got here and I'm only sorry I've nothing of real value to contribute. Since I don't, back to lurkerdom I go.

    Like we used to type in 1994: *poof*

  2. Please disregard this message. Or, if you find yourself unable to do so, direct any complaints to attention of one Mr. Rockwell, who has been positively littering my inbox in recent months with messages along the line of "You've got to sign in! You've got to post! Or you'll be drawn, quartered, and roasted on a spit! Or at least deleted from the database!!"

    In order to quell the bombardment, I'm posting. I'm POSTING, already.

    Why in this thread? Well, while I'm being forced to make a completely content-free posting to the forum, might as well abjectly and shamelessly beg Michael to consider establishing a southern New Jersey beef emporium. Please? I ain't et right, since I moved away from the DC Metro. It's a goddamned crime, the food here.


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