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Posts posted by pax

  1. Indian Regional Classics by Julie Sahni may be the most simple cookbook I own. She has some sample menus for the multicourse dinner and provides the ingredients for the spice blends.

    I second this vote. It's a great book. There is also "Demystifying the Indian Grocery Store" on Amazon. I'd give you an author name but it's packed.

    I hate the smell of cheap commercial curry powder, but everything else makes my mouth water.

  2. I just got your pm, I'll go ahead and ring Hemp's tomorrow and book all six in. Sorry to be be a bit short, it's been a very long day. Thank you for your help with this. I really wanted a food charity, most of my donations go to women's shelters, and there's only so much lamb a women's shelter can use at any given time. Anyway, this was perfect and I thank you. I'll ring you when I've spoken to Hemp's in the morning. Cheers!

  3. Ris, I just had a thought. Does your culinary training program include butchering? 'Cause then I will just deliver ALL of them to you, wherever. Have Border Collie, will travel. I am not married to Hemps. Also, I just returned private messages with all my contact info to somebody. I have about thirteen phone numbers and three addresses, at this point, sorry. Moving is always such a muddle.


    Er...I wonder, given your clout, if you'd get someone to butcher all of them for free, for the publicity for them and you? Then I could be shut of all six and you'd have an extra three sheep. I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be sheep..er, cheap about the butchering, but an extra couple of hundred bucks might make my husband look cross eyed at me, and I don't want that.

  4. Oh, it's really no worries, I'd send you all six if I didn't have to worry about the butchering costs. I am really committed to doing the right things by my lambs, and that pretty much includes not killing animals for profit. (For me, only, not a judgement on any one else, ok?)

    It's nice to good things for people, too. : )

    Please don't do anything in honour of me. It isn't about me. Cheers. (All I am hoping for is not to get yelled at for double spacing or whatever it is. :lol: )

  5. D.C Central Kitchen it is.

    I will ring the butcher, which is Hemp's in Knoxville, just west of Frederick off of Rt 340. I will make an appt for the lambs with them, sometimes it can take a week or two to get them in. It then takes about a week for them to be ready to pick up. They will be frozen in pieces. If you have specific cuts you want, I need to know that before the appt.

    I will have them ring me when the lamb is ready, because then I can deal with the butchering fee by credit card, and then I will ring one of you two to let you know it is time to go collect.

    I think it's more humane to send two at a time. Can you handle two? You'd be shocked what a lamb dresses out as. I'd like the donation to be made in honour of the community at Don Rockwell.

    If you could pm me names and phone numbers, please?

    If you feel comfortable writing me a tax thingie for the cost of the butchering, (probably about $100, I can let you know when I know, which is generally at pick up) that would be nice. If you don't, doesn't matter.


    I am happy to send a third lamb if you all want to have a party, but I do not want it to be a fund raising party, please. That puts too much on onus on Don, if you tried to do something all official.

  6. I am getting ready to move my animals to NY. I have a handful of castrated spring lambs who need to go away. I want to donate them to a charity. Does anyone know of a food-based charity who would be willing to pick the lambs up from a local USDA certified butcher? I can deliver them there.

    My plan is to donate one to the DR Community-At-Large Charity of Choice. Pipe up and let me know your favourites! Whatever gets the most votes here wins.


    I will donate it to the DR Community at Large for a group party (with lots of left over!) If you guys plan it, A DR Party Authority can pick up a lamb at Hemp's Meats in Knoxville, MD.

    Speak up now 'cause the truck and trailer is leaving for NY with the ewes next week.

    I want to thank you all for the enjoyment I've had using this board.

    ETA: The lambs have been entirely pasture fed, with access to a conventional mineral/protein block. They have been conventionally de-wormed every 8 weeks, but not in the last 30 days. None have received innoculations or antibiotics.

    I absolutely cannot sell these animals because I have no clue what the health regulations are and I don't want to have to find out.

  7. Cooktops- I have bought a new house which has an old coil type electric range. I tried to cook on it and it was horrible and wimpy. In my current house I have a Viking Pro 6 burner which I have a love/hate relationship with, love to cook on it, hate to clean it. I am used to gas and there is an existing gas line into the house. On the other hand, I am seeing people sing the praises of these ceramic induction cooktops, and I wonder if I'm missing out.

    Ovens- I hate my Jenn Air convection oven. I find the baking function makes little difference, but I do like the convection roast. The oven itself is just a pain, the racks don't work for me, it has hot spots (even when the fan is on), the panel computer has gone out twice at $300 a pop. I'm looking at things called Trivection and Invection and VectionVection and TurboVection and I am totally lost. Any advice on ovens? I am not a big baker, so I don't need this to be Super Appliance. I like wall ovens.

    Please, if you have the time to let let me know what you have and what you like and what you'd do, I'd love some opinions.

  8. I expect he means the Shell station at the junction of Clark's Gap Rd. and Rt. 9, which is a few exits west of Leesburg on Rt. 7. My sat link is so slow tonight I can't MapQuest it for you, but it's easy enough to find, if that's the place he means. I live here. I'll try the place on Wednesday morning.

  9. Has anyone had success with the gorge-on-it-til-you-make-yourself-sick-and-never-want-any-ever-again approach? I know it's worked on some friends with certain alcoholic drinks. :lol:

    I am one of those serial monogamous snackers. I eat something for days or weeks until I'm over it and something else grabs my attention. I've learnt to go with the flow.

  10. My own personal food crack is the Brown Sugar Gingersnaps from Gourmet. I do not make them anymore, except at Christmas, when I purloin from my cookie baskets which are supposed to be going to friends. I eat them until I'm sick. It's so good and then so, so bad. Some things I give over into my husband's keeping, for instance, the case of Thin Mints I buy every year is hidden in the downstairs freezer someplace, and he doles them out like the Mom in the Tupperware commercials. :lol:

  11. I had the same Joe Homeowner deep fryer but found it such a pain to take apart and clean all the time that when it failed (and it wasn't very old, either!) I did not replace it. I have an enameled Dutch oven I use instead, with a candy/fry thermometer stuck in the handle to make sure it stays upright. I don't have any trouble keeping the temp relatively constant on my gas range.

    I do keep a fire extinguisher handy right next to the stove.

  12. I was thinking a DR pizza cook-off could be so much fun. Everybody show up with their best crust/pan at a place with a good commercial cooker which can send 'em through fast, and make and pass and share some good pizza. I can't get my family to eat enough pizza that my toppings/crust tinkerings are supported. :lol:

  13. Hey, Waitman, did you ever look into The Thornton River Grille? I'm longing for someone who knows what they are talking about to check it out. :lol:

    That area is tough for people on the edge...no public transport, most of the $$ in play is weekenders from the city, no local business for the most part that aren't tourist related. I've been poor there and I've had money and money makes a huge difference in being able to admire the scenery. I wish The Public House luck.

  14. When I said the pub in Flint Hill, I didn't mean The Public House. I was under the impression TPH had shut down. ? No, I meant Griffin's Tavern or Griffith's Tavern. It's hot pub food, end of discussion The Public House was a different story.

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