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Posts posted by twillis

  1. This sounds like a job for Tim Carman or Jamie Liu. :lol:

    This is what was on Todd Kliman's chat yesterday: '"Philippe Lajaunie, the charming, permanently tanned owner, told me last night, "I tried using my option but the new rent conditions were just unbearable. It has been swell."'

    A very vague sentence to be sure ... "my option" (what option?) ... "new rent conditions" (what new rent conditions?).



    I have edited my post due to the second hand nature of the information I received. I still stand behind my feelings that this was handled very poorly. Whatever the reason for the closing it was done very quickly and not even the managers had any knowledge of what was going on. I have never seen anything quite like it and I am quite frankly very upset with the way it was handled. I have never heard of an established buisness not coming to a lease agreement over night.

  2. Most leases don't expire on a Sunday mid-month. Methinks they are trying to put "lipstick" on the proverbial "pig".

    You are correct. I went out last night for drinks with the managers and was informed that the scum bag owner had not been paying the rent. It was quite obvious yesterday when I ran down there to make sure I got my last paychecks(I didnt)that they were being evicted. That space is empty. I have never been angry about a closing before but this enraged me. Alot of the former staff arent fortunate enough to have a savings to tide them over and are more than likely living paycheck to paycheck. How this man could knowingly do this a month before the holidays just pisses me off.

  3. I don't think it's odd at all. Just because management knew the lease was expiring doesn't mean that anyone below the person whose signature is on the lease was told.

    I find it pretty odd especially since we were booked solid with holiday parties which generally require a deposit and we had a huge confirmed buyout for the inauguration. I understand how these things work, no owner is going to tell their staff they are closing. Doing that would invite theft but this was odd. I have at worked at places before and this was handled very strange.

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