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Posts posted by TMFIII

  1. I'm thinking a combo of rum (Scarlet Ibis), Castries and Allspice Dram with a dash of Angostura would be a very tasty West Indian inspired cocktail. Now just have to get some Castries or steal some of Sean's . . . :lol:

  2. The Pur ones are pretty leaky. I feel like we might have a leaky Brita one at some point too. I've always been curious about these... Back where I grew up we had this program where they had filtered or spring water where you filled up your own jugs and bottles. Probably not nearly as inexpensive, but was sorta nice. I feel like I might have seen them out in the burbs here, but I can't remember.

    I have one of these and love it. My sink doesn't have a lot of clearance either so I can't stick it in the sink to fill. But a measuring cup, pint glass, metal part of a boston shaker, mixing bowl, etc all work wonders in filling the tank quickly. You could also put it in the tub to fill it real quick like. :lol:



  3. Thanks David! Just knowing the history of Castries and the Caribbean heritage helps me get a good idea for some complimentary mixing profiles. I may have to do some experimentation myself . . . :lol:



  4. I'm sure that your homemade raspberry infused vodka tastes 100% better than any of the commerical brands out there. Other than preserving, infusing is about the only other thing I think vodka is good for . . .

  5. OH NOES!!!!! :lol::lol::)

    This is truly sad to see. Especially to someone who cares so much about her business and the spirits she sells. My bottle of Red Hook Rye was on the top of the top shelf. Now I may just have to store it away so it only comes out on my birthday or Christmas . . .

    And this just after the free Ikea water taxi started ferrying people from Manhattan to Red Hook . . . Damn. I, for one, will be praying that something works out for her.


  6. The peanut flavor is muted. You know it is peanut, but it isn't like having a spoonful of peanut butter. If the spiced syrup you made isn't too overpowering, it could work. But getting that balance would be tough. Sounds like an interesting experiment though!



  7. Everyone has said just about all I could say in a much more well written way that all I can add is:


    Last night was awesome. Being a cocktail geek and getting to meet some of the heavyweights of the DC cocktail scene was a real treat. Every person was fantastic. I enjoyed every single drink and the food almost made me cry (in a good way).

    Jake - Yes it is a good time to be alive and a cocktail geek in DC!

    Kudos go out to all of the mixologists, Chef Karoum and the staff at Proof! You all deserve a standing ovation.

    Now, about those benefactors to send the Scofflaw's to Tales . . . ;)



  8. Smoke alarm tip: grab a chair, a plastic bag, and a rubber band. Stand on chair under over-sensitive alarm, slap bag over it and fasten with rubber band. I've heard of keeping shower caps on hand for this operation. Don't forget to remove once the smoke has cleared.

    Brilliant!!! The smoke alarm in my apartment is so sensitive, it goes off if I make toast in the morning! Seriously! I found that a plastic chinese takeout container and scotch tape work awefully well. I'll have to try the plastic bag and shower cap idea too!

    Oh saving grace . . . ;)



  9. When I was growing up in Southwest Virginia, the volunteer fire department at White Top Mountain held a ramp festival every year. A ticket bought you entrance to the festival where there was music, bluegrass mostly, crafts and things for the little kids (donkey rides, etc.) But you also got a mean ticket where the lunch/dinner was a quarter of grilled chicken (over giant pits of fire), cornbread and fried potatoes and ramps. Even nowadays, my mom will get some ramps from friends or family and fry them up with some taters. Ummmm, good!!! I really hope I can find some at the farmers market this weekend . . .



  10. I actually started a batch last weekend. I'm using tangerines because I found some really nice ones at Harris Teeter, but blood orange would be delicious.

    The hardest part about making it is the citrus peel and getting all the white pith off. I started using a veggie peeler and then thinly slicing the pith off with a chef's knife. This gives you nice large strips of peel without any pith and will be much easier to fish/strain out of the final product. After about an hour of this, I said screw it and pulled out the microplane for the peel. Nothing some cheesecloth or a coffee filter won't strain out after all. And it was much faster from that point on.



  11. There is an Ethiopian cart on the corner of 15th St. and New York Ave, NW. Very good! The Ethiopian coffee is awesome and sometimes he gives out free bread (caraway I think) to have with your coffee.



  12. Welcome! Would love to read a bit more about this, if you care to post for us. :-)

    Hey Porcupine! I certainly will be posting more on this. Feel free to check out my blog (the URL is in my sig) in the mean time. Of course, if anyone out there has suggestions, tips, critiques, etc., I'm all ears!



  13. Woo-Hoo!

    I stumbled across this thread and am so happy! I love me some bacon . . . and most other parts of that magical animal called a pig. I wanted to share with ya'll a blog post I wrote talking about my bacon-infused bourbon. Bacon-Infused Bourbon (The bacon-bourbon is at the last portion of the post, scroll down if you don't want to read the first part . . . buy why would you do something like that??? :mellow: )

    One of the drinks I'm playing around with using the bacon-infused bourbon is apple based:

    1.5-2 oz apple cider (not the hard kind, but the cloudy fresh squeezed kind)

    .5 oz Calvados

    1 oz (maybe 1.5 oz) bacon infused bourbon

    .25-.50 oz maple syrup

    dash or two of Angostura, Fee's Aromatic or Fee's Whiskey barrel aged bitters (your choice)

    Shaken, served up. Garnish with a thin twill of green apple skin.

    Not bad, but needs tweaking.



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