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Posts posted by Faboo

  1. Me three. I'm actually hoping that Agraria will have some substantial vegetarian offerings, given that the entire concept is meant to highlight the products of family farms.

    You're right. Agraria looks like it could be a light on the horizon. I'd best not to get my hopes up.

    Gotta go smoke a cigarette after studying over that Green Zebra menu. I wonder if Chef Christine Kim would let me come touch the hem of her garment and then slip quietly away....

  2. I was following this list saying to myself -- makes sense, makes sense, ..., and then I came to Houston and thought :lol:

    PS - You should add Udupi (Indian in Langley Park) to your list

    Edit to add: Also Minneapolis  :huh:

    Who knew America's 2nd Fattest city had so many veggie restaurants:


    They sound really good too!

    I dont get Minneapolis either. If I lived there it would be fried cheese curds all day everyday.

  3. Um, ok.  I think it is more of the I am special, I must be pleased mantra that really bothers me.  If they are a growing segment of the population then the market will change and veggie friendly plates will be more readily available.

    Restaurants are personal businesses in which the owner(s) put a ton of hard work and time trying to please as many people as possible and still try to make a living.

    And to the post above, is Austin, Texas really a more veggie friendly city than DC?  Not doubting, just amazed.

    Austin has seven all-vegetarian restaurants to start:


    However, they’re not the white tablecloth types that the author was pin pointing.

    DC has: Amma Vegetarian Kitchen, Nirvana, Soul Vegetarian & Vegetate

    Outskirts include: Vegetable Garden, Yuan Fu, Sunflower & Woodlands

    Top Veg US Cities:

    San Francisco


    New York








    Again, the author is just discussing dining in white tablecloth restaurants, not ethnic joints or funky dives.

    The “I am special. I must be pleased” mantra, always horrible, definitely does not apply solely to vegetarians. Quite the opposite, it’s a groovy scene.


  4. The brouhaha resulting from the article confirmed what the author set out to say: The DC area is not in league yet w/other major cities (NYC/London/LA/Austin) in acknowledging and accepting 5% of the population (annoying self-selected ones though they may be). We’re all on this board because we love to eat out and want to continue to do so in newer and greater ways. Catering to vegetarians can only increase our dining options. The article has some statements that I believe were written tongue in cheek but are being taken very seriously.

  5. My initial reading of the article left me with the impression of a whining 5 year old and resulted in the magazine being tossed across the room. The second reading this morning left a slightly more favorable impression. I liked the reviews, but the back story turned me off.

    You self-selected into a tiny minority (5%) and found a minority -- 2941, Asia Nora and Komi -- of fancy restaurants, probably about 5%, that serve your needs. So what's the problem? My thoughts run mainly to  "You made your bed, now lie in it".

    It's as if I decided I would only eat chicken and then got pissed that so few restaurants did it well (and few do).

    :lol: How about this?

    PS- Where do you get off calling Ray's a fancy place? :huh:

    The author sounds like a “whining five year old” so you respond by throwing the magazine across the room?

    The point of the article was the experience of one “self-selected” vegetarian in the DC. Many articles have been written by someone searching out the best steak or fries or whatnot in a given area. This is nothing new. I don’t think the author was “pissed” at all, actually he was quite comical in bemoaning the fact that DC area restaurants aren’t as geared toward the vegetarian minority as other areas. To me, it sounds like you’re the one who is “pissed”.

    I’m not sure what your link is referring to. Did you want to say that vegetables indeed do have a backstory and the author was remiss for not knowing that?

  6. Great article! "White Tablecloth Land" is someplace a vegetarian is not welcome. I often feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, "I have money to spend here!" with the restaurant telling me there is nothing here for me. One way I go around it is to just order a carnivore's entree and have them put the meat on the side. I then wrap up the meat/fish for my dogs & cats. Most restaurants refuse to reduce the price of an entree if the meat/fish is left out, and my critters are all the happier. I've always enjoyed Michael Landrum's posts on this board, and so wanted to experience his restaurant. I like him even more now that I know he offers a veg entree. I'll have to start dialing now!

  7. Wow! I am the genius of myself! :lol: I'm pretty sure the honey buns are still in the frozen food section. I'll take a look/see next time I'm at Shoppers or Food Lion. If they are there, I suggest you all let your memories stay fond and not try to recreate them :P

    One other item I frequently pass in the food store are the little rectangular (nabisco?) cheese & cracker packages. They're about four inches long, four club crackers and some cheese wiz in a separate part of the package w/a little plastic stick for spreading. I remember being too cool for school when I had that at the cafeteria table. Can't bring myself to buy them again, but I enjoyed intensely spreading the cheese over the entire cracker and then cleaning out the little cheese bin with the plastic stick. Good times.

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