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Posts posted by Verona

  1. I'm surprised that there are no comments posted for 2010. The clean, modern design of the space, highlighted by large backlit photos is very attractive. The full room is noisy, however, so beware of this if planning a conversational dinner with long missed friends. The couple of times we have been there recently, the pastas ordered have been excellent. (Note to self: post while details are fresh.) The last visit, the chestnut flour pappardelle with pheasant ragu was wonderful. The wine list is not overly large so one can skim it before having to decide and not hold up the meal. Wines by the glass have met my expectation for being interesting as well as good examples of the type.

  2. What is it about Bibiana that it has managed to keep it under the radar while sibling Rasika is so hot? Looking for a restaurant home in DC, we easily chose Bibiana over many others we tried. The collaboration between Francesco and Nick works well as they develop and Nick executes authentic Italian dishes. A favorite is the scialatielli with whatever seafood they have used. Duck, currently on the fall menu has been well prepared- very crisp skin and perfect degree of doneness. For anyone unfamiliar with these Italian wines, Francesco is excellent at choosing one that will fit the budget as well as match the food. I recommend moving from one's comfort zone and trying his suggestion for one that may be unfamiliar. If you are looking for Kendall Jackson, don't ask.

  3. Hi,

    I love good Italian food and wine from almost anywhere., although not the pink kind...OK, so maybe a Bandol Rose on the right day. I love to cook but don't bake much. My other hobbies are travel, especially Italy, attending Theater, and patronizing good restaurants. I used to travel every week for business in the US & Canada, but gave that up when the time spent going through airports at each end of the flight was as long as the business purpose itself. That has led to more local dining. The options just keep getting better. Can't wait until things are back to pre-blizzard normal.

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