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Posts posted by Thrasher

  1. PDT comes to PX

    Hello All I have exciting news for P.X.! My friend Sean Hoard one of the Main Bartenders at P.D.T. (www.pdtnyc.com) in New York City and my team mate from the 42 Below Cocktail World Cup competition. Is going to be working a shift at P.X. on Thursday September 30th. He is going to be doing P.D.T. cocktails along with a few of our house cocktails mixed in. It would be great if some people would come out to meet him! Not only is he a great bartender he is a great guy! This is his farewell to the East Coast, he is moving back to his home Portland Oregon in October.


  2. The other option, which was briefly considered, would be stabbing them in the forehead with a mint julep spoon and snorting around for brains.

    We have this crazy Olive fork behind the bar, I will gladly loan it to you so you may throw it like a NINJA star across the room and get the peolpe to be more respectful of their surrondings!!

  3. The Majestic is re-opening soon!

    The new Majestic is under new management with The Restaurant Eve/Eamonn’s –“ A Dublin Chipper” group.

    We are now hiring for full time sous-chef, cooks, prep and dish.

    Kitchen experience preferred.

    We are also hiring full time servers.

    No experience necessary.

    Please contact Shannon Overmiller or Maria Chicas at Majestic @703-837-9117


    send resume to:


    Thank you,

    The Majestic Management Team.

  4. I am sure that there are loads of people on the board who will have storied that make this one pale in comparison.  This isn't about the 12-top not showing up for their reservation (well calling us at 8:30 to cancel their 8:00pm reservation, or the folk who call the next day canceling a reservation for the night before.  This is about what really goes in a restaurant...

    Thursday we had a new walk in evaporative cooler installed.  In other words, we had no walk in from Tuesday night till Thursday afternoon.  Tuesday I spent 4 hours trying to get someone to fix the dang thing.  My HVAC guy, the one with $3000 worth of service contracts with me,  doesn’t even call me back.  I have a new company who has done a little work for me and they tell me they can't even estimate me till tomorrow and then they don't know when they can do the work.  Meanwhile my linen company shows up with 4 chefs coats.  Finally I have a firm install date of Thursday morning (no estimate but I know when they are going to do the work).  Still no chef’s coats!

    So Wednesday Morning I was in Largo (where the heck is Largo and why are there all these SUV's there???) picking up a refrigerated truck, hoping that the dry ice I ordered the night before was keeping the cooler cold.  I pick up the truck and the cooler on the truck is not working.  I point out that fact to the guy checking me out and he says "Just wait a bit".  I do.  A half hour later and the cooler is still not cooling and I am told there is not a refrigeration mechanic on the lot and there are no refrigerated trucks available short of Philadelphia.  I explain my situation and the service manager says he has a guy who can fix anything and he will have him look at it.  3 hours later and I am driving a 16' bed refrigerated truck from Largo to DC. 

    We get everything on the truck, and we have quite a busy Wednesday night.  I finish up the details on our menu with 20 new items and Daniel and I go over sourcing and prep lists etc.  I can't get over the fact that my shoulders are still aching from driving the truck even 10 hours later.  I am at work that day from 7am in Largo till midnight.

    Thursday I am back at 7:30 am to see how the install is going.  I also have to reprogram the computer and print the menus, a new wine list as well.  My chef is going crazy with the realization that he has 20 new dishes to prep and no refrigeraton closer than 100 feet from his kitchen.  Thursday night, my GM is off.  Of my early waiters, only one shows up on time and one of my bussers no calls and no shows.  Bu the new dishes are pretty damned good!  We are slammed.  One of my waiters gets ill in the middle of the shift and had to be driven home.  I am trying to figure out what the heck is going on her tables and get help from the other waits.  One of her tables is upset that she made a mistake taking their order and is yelling at me.  Maybe being a lawyer wasn't such a bad idea after all.  Finally we are ready to take the truck back to Largo when we discover that someone has blocked it in.  It takes an hour for them to move their truck so I can move mine.  I am home at 2am.

    Friday morning, I sleep in.  Till 8am.  Then I'm on the computer for a bit (only 2 sudoku games) and then its off to the bank, Ikea (where they don't have those cute cutting boards we need to serve the steak on any more), J&B restaurant supply, Linens and Things (where they do have the cute cutting boards...) and off to the restaurant.  My GM Michael comes in at 3 and we have a quick meeting to go over all that has happened  on his day off.  Then the dishwasher, which is scheduled to be replaced next Thursday, explodes.  Well the high pressure suction hose explodes.  Didn't know I had a high pressure suction hose.  Michael is trying to fix that while I am dealing with a slam early in the evening.  In the middle of this, the chef tells me that the walk in is down.  I am seating people while I am calling the refrigeration company and the ice company.  The tech shows up, the ice shows up, the evaporator was installed wrong and the huge leak is actually not a leak at all. 

    Now, I am writing this as I wait for the locksmith to repair my emergency door which, I discovered, was wide open for who knows how long.  And I don't ahve to be in till 9:30 at the earliest tomorrow!

    So you wanna own a restaurant???

    Welcome to the Club!

  5. I would like to remind everyone about the support we need to make this years Taste of the Nation D.C. a huge success, and to help S.O.S in our mission is to fight and eradicate childhood hunger in the US. Chef Armstrong is the honorary chef chair (which means he is responsible for what you are eating and putting together the list of who’s who in the Washington D.C. dining scene for the event). And I am the honorary beverage chair (which means I am responsible for what everyone is drinking), we have 16 very interesting and special wine tables plus we are having a very cool Bar Chef ‘Bar’ that will be featuring

    Derek M. Brown from Fire Fly, Brian Zipin from Citronelle, Sebastian Zutant from Rasika and Myself. We will be doing 1 new specialty cocktail from our restaurants. So please if you have not yet purchased your ticket, please log on to their website http://www.tasteofthenation.org/site/Clubs...id=1078&pg=main to find out how to purchase tickets for this wonderful event. Thank you so much and I look forward to seeing you the night of Tuesday April 11th!

  6. Oyamel is an attractive space and they do some things quite well, but for the most part, it's a pricey mistake. I once said it's a tough call between Chipotle and Oyamel. I'm leaning more and more towards Chipotle.

    I think that people that debate between Chipotle and Oyamel is crazy, how can anyone put the two places in the same breath. Remember the Civilized eats out of desire, the Savage eats out of Necessity. Oyamel = Civilized, Chipotle (Mc Donald's)= Savage. Oyamel has amazing decor, beautiful plates, real service people that can communicate with you, real Mexican food whether it is Street Food from Mexico City or the fine food from Oaxaca. The last time I checked Chipotle did not have Braised rabbit with huitlacoche sauce and fresh corn, but they did have a burrito bowl or a Lifeless Flour Tortilla with some slop that has been sitting around for hours (Completely dried out meats) oh and maybe you can get a real Mexican beer like Corona and don't for get the lime for your beer. The food at Oyamel maybe not to your liking but to compare it to McDonalds in the same breath? Savage!
  7. Dinner last night at Palena consisted of: mixed salad, burger, roasted chix and veal.  The veal was below average...tasted like baby food fried in bread crumbs...I couldn't tell whether I was eating "protein" or meat-flavored Gerber.  The anchovies that came with it was the highlight of that dish.

    I would definitely go back for the burger and fries but nothing else...

    Why Moan and Complain on a sight like this. Look we are are human beings we are going to have off nights. But if you tell us while it is happening we can try to fix it. But if you write about it online the next day the restaurant cannot change anything. Please if you have a problem with food or service in a restaurant tell someone about it in real time.

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