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Posts posted by Halloween

  1. If you want authentic, inexpensive regional Mexican food, you've got to go to Guelaguetza, a Oaxacan cantina-type place in West L.A. which is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's at the corner of Sepulveda and Palms Blvds., facing Palms. It shares a parking lot with Trader Joe's. Get a chicken tamal with mole negrobarbacoa de chivo (goat stew--really good) or an "empanada" (really an enchilada) with mole amarillo, chicken, mushrooms and squash blossoms. Also try some of the Oaxacan chorizo on some of the thick, handmade tortillas called memelas. If you eat there, you will know why I am so underwhelmed by the Mexican places in Hyattsville.


    I just returned from Ventura/Santa Barbara via LAX. I did not make it to Guelaguetza in LA, but I did make it to Super-Rica in Santa Barbara (where I stood in a long line and watched them make corn tortillas) and Cuernavaca Taqueria in Ventura (where the salsas were amazing).

    This may be the most controversial, most infamous, certainly the most embarrassing of all the posts I had on CH in the five years I was a part of it. The post disappeared (as a number of my others) after my argument with Leff. Now, curiously, it is back under the new ownership. It was part of what I called my "In 'n Out Trilogy."

    "Without Shame: A Bite of Excess" by Joe Heflin on chowhound.com

    I'm convinced the best balance of meat, fromage, onions, spread, and fitting-into-mouth-ed-ness is to order a 3x3. Mmmmmmm.

    Joe H,

    I could not bring myself to try an In N Out burger. I haven't had a fast food burger in ages (and was a vegetarian for years), so even though I've read your stories about In N Out burgers with tears of laughter in my eyes, I could not order a burger. Maybe I will do so next time, when I have more time. For some reason, I felt like I was going to White Castle.

  2. Is there a web site for this market?

    Any reliable place to find out more about the farms, producers, folk who run it...?



    I am not aware of a website, but Robin Shuster (the market organizer, I believe) sends a weekly email about the market, the producers, and the produce. To join the U Street list and/or the Bloomingdale list, email Robin at robin.shuster@verizon.net.

    I went to the U Street Market today and purchased asparagus, strawberries, green garlic, a tomato plant, and a scone. I'm sure you'll see me at Dupont tomorrow since I'm out of yogurt!

  3. I will be coming and bringing my usual deviled eggs, hot sauce, cooler, FIRST AID KIT (with surgical kit), and some sort of healthy side dish. I will also be there early to help setup.

    I am laughing out loud, Scott! Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the picnic (i'll be out of town), so it may not be necessary for you to bring the surgical kit! ;)

  4. I am happy to report that I met my goal of losing five pounds by March 31. Yeah! Now, I need to get my body in motion. I was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago, so I've been taking it easy on the exercise, but there are some lower-body exercises I can do (like walking, walking, walking!) that should be fine.

    The goal for April: walk 30 minutes, four times/week; lose 4 pounds

    *ETA: I didn't lose my arms in the accident! ;) I injured my neck and back, so my ability to do upper-body exercises is limited for now. Thanks for your concern!

  5. Just an update...

    Things are still going well.

    The gym, which has always fit somewhere in my life, is now a solid part of the daily and weekly routine I have invented myself. In fact, the gym and the sort of goal-oriented workouts I have been doing are one of my greatest sources of pleasure (besides having a couple of martinis after one of those days at work). It’s also a great source of control that I have in my life; it’s something very personal, and I am my own inspiration. No one can really mess with that.

    I don’t know what I weigh, but I feel like I’m in great shape as far as what I am able to do physically and how I look compared to Christmas time.

    The most recent results (definition and new muscle) are those that will be the most noticeable when I am in beach wear.

    What moved me to post today is that I am wearing a size 4 suit that hasn't fit quite right in a seemingly long time (ever). In fact, I meant to buy a size 6 more than a year ago when I bought it, but it was European sizes and it was marked down incredibly and I miscalculated and never actually tried it on, so I lived with it. It was too tight and I stopped wearing the jacket b/c it was like being in a straight jacket and kept reminding me that I wasn’t at the weight that I wanted to be. It made me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. Well, I can wear the suit easily now. I don’t even really like it that much, but the fact that it fits so well now totally makes up for the fact that it’s Monday. It put me in a great mood.

    Stay tuned (I know. I was a lot more interesting back when the Screenwriters were still on strike) because I will be getting fat calibured this week for the first time since Jan 18.

    Meaghan, What can I say. If feels like you and I (and especially you) are a long way from December, when we were throwing caution to the wind, and eating, and drinking and getting merry like Christmas. I am so proud of you, and you look great! Size 4?!!!!

  6. A recent post of mine from Chowhound: "

    Twenty five years ago I weighed 332 pounds (I am 6'1"). Today and most days for the past 25+ years I weigh around 200, perhaps a little bit less. Having threatened my health and my life because of my obsessive passion for food without restraint, I have found a way to control my weight. I obsess about calories: simply, they must be worth it. If they are: foie gras, 86 per cent butter fat butter, 14 ounces of gorgonzola dolce in a risotto for four, then so be it. If the food is THAT good. Today, I'll have an 18 course dinner that's literally 7000 calories; but it will take me two weeks and 70+ miles to walk it off while not wasting a calorie. This works for me. I religiously walk five miles a day: in rain, in snow, in 100 degree weather. But I do it. Everywhere, on business, at midnight, at the break of day. Around Stanley park, on the shore of Lake Geneva, around the harbor in Monaco, on mountain paths in Baiersbronn. But I do it. Having tried almost everything else, this works. And, I have grown to love it. Even to look forward to walking. Even to look forward to "needing" to walk...

    If I am obsessed then so be it. But I like myself. I also love food as much as anyone who has ever posted on here. (My mother was a waittress and my father was a chef. On weekends, fifty years ago, we would drive a hundred or more miles just to eat something they had heard might be good!) It just has to be "worth it." If it's not there are going to be miles and miles to walk to "pay for it."

    I wish you the absolute best...

    Thank you very much, Joe. I appreciate your support and encouragement.

  7. Funny! It's been about a month since i've posted. I was deeply committed to honoring Corduroy by spending 8-10 days in a row there until they closed on January 31. Some of those evenings are best left forgotten, but how often do you get to close your cheers?! Since then, I think i've been out to eat twice, because I seriously needed a break. So i've been cooking a lot, and I've lost about three pounds this month, but i'm having serious hang-out withdrawal symptoms. Searching for that nice middle ground. My goal is to lose five more pounds by March 31. My co-worker and I are competing, so i've got an added incentive. Yippee!

  8. Toast. Toast. Toast. Much moreso than risotto, toasting the quinoa first is absolutely crucial to developing its flavor. Properly toasted, it's stunningly nutty and will rocket to the top of your favorites for grain-based salads. Inadequately toasted, it comes across as weird and slightly bitter.

    I concur.

  9. As it turns out, I have lost a couple of pounds, but not because of my commitment to working out three times a week. I think it's because I have worked out a bit, and i've been eating less when I go out. This was so much easier last year, but so what. Yoga tomorrow. workout mon, wed.

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