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Posts posted by plusone

  1. I write for a small webzine (Pastepunk) and I consider myself pretty snobby about music (e.g. I fucking hate Radiohead). But I've grown weary of mocking others for not being hep to the jive anymore. They'll figure it out if they want to explore more.

    The same goes for food and drink. If they're not actively sticking their fingers in your cocktail, I don't see the issue.

    Sorry if I was unclear earlier- I'm in no way impuning anybody's right to not like a place. I'm in no way stating that people don't have a right to even indicate while still there that they don't like a place. but there are standards of behavior in public that need to be maintained- making rude comments to a server loud enough so that other patrons can hear them and be uncomfortable is inappropriate. For that, you get a dirty look no matter where you are- PX, Bertucci's, wherever. Sticking your fingers in your cocktail doesn't even bother me, truth be told, so long as I don't have to watch you do it- i can turn away, you can do your thing. I've been to places that didn't work for me, but I think it's important to express that appropriately. That's where the problem is, certianly not with experimentation, or trying something new.

    So my husband asks me on the way home I feel about being an elitist snob, and I just know dinner's going to be late. If y'all will excuse me, I have a frozen pizza to microwave!


  2. My advice is to start watching Dexter. It premiered on CBS last night after being transferred there from Showtime. It's basically a twist on the superhero story where the hero murders murderers. Just think of how we could all improve the douchebag factor if we took Dexter's ways to heart. I'll provide the chloroform.

    It has happened to us once or twice there, too- people just don't get it. I usually shoot them dirty looks from my perch on the barstool. Only once has anyone ever made a comment back in our general direction, and they were paying their bill anyhow. I agree that the staff does so much to create the atmosphere- which just may be the best atmosphere around- that it is so frustrating when people come in and act juvenile. So, I will help with the choloroform, and I'll wear extra pointy shoes if we need weaponry.

    Though we haven't been in for a few weeks now (we wanted to give Todd & co some time to reprint the menus to say "Erik's Irish Flip") I want to thank Clinton for mixing up some very tasty nonalcoholic drinks when I got the short straw. Fruity and sweet, though I'm sure I had no idea what was in them, I enjoyed them just as much as I would have enjoyed a Manhattan. Thank you for helping us be responsible grown ups and not have to cab it all the way back into the city!!

  3. I had jury duty during restaurant week and wandered into 701 for lunch. The winter greens salad with pomegranate seeds and toasted hazelnuts was soo good, that my first thought upon being picked to serve on a trial was, "at least I get to go back for another salad!"


    gosh that was yummy.

  4. Great pre-Superbowl dinner at RTS tonight. No line at 5:00 and everyone was accommodated. Dinner was comfortably leisurely because no throngs were waiting to get in. Hanger steak was even better than usual. perfectly medium rare with crusty surface and wonderfully beefy flavor. Wish I could do that at home. Mrs. dcdavidm's steak diablo also was perfect and the huge leftovers will be the basis for tomorrow's dinner. The Sunday ritual at Ray's certainly can become habit forming.

    Are they still donating Sunday night dinner proceeds to charities? That makes the ritual even better.

  5. I'm way, way late in posting this, and consequently, my memory has faded a bit, but we went in December for a post holiday event dinner. I remember having a ginger martini that was really nice- not too sweet and not to kicky, but balanced. Gave me the warm fuzzies. We had three courses- I had a mango burrata appetizer that I really enjoyed. Seemed like Chef was playing with textures, and that always makes things fun to eat, right? Had a lobster something as my main which I remember thoroughly enjoying but couldn't give the details on now, and dessert, while I'm sure it was good, has left my mind completely. I do remember that we had very attentive service, and they made good recommendations. We were seated in the bar, and we chatted with the bartender as well as our waiiter. They were both helpful and polite and very professional. I'm looking forward to going back, and when I do I will either take notes or post right away. I don't want to get a reputation around here for useless posts!

  6. Hello!

    My name is Lisa, and I've attended several events as ErikOx's "+1." I thought it might be time to become a legitimate member of the board. I've met a few of you in person and don't know your screen names, which feels a bit backwards to me..

    Anyhow, I only really became interested in food a few years ago, when I got engaged and moved to DC with a man who has a love of fine dining. I enjoy cooking as well as dining out, but find that I'm much more successful at the latter. I love wine, but need to work on my pairing skills, because there isn't anything quite so lovely as beautiful dish, beautifully paired, in my estimation. I have no relationship with the food industry other than a grateful participant, and I'm not a writer of any kind, just an enjoyer. My typical thoughts after a good meal are, "I like that. It was yummy. When can we do this again?"

    I'm looking forward to reading for myself everyone's thoughts, experiences and recommendations!

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