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Posts posted by no1uno

  1. Wow. Oh. My. Gawd.

    We did the full degustazione with the 5 glass wine pairing -- don't know why they call it that, since Kat refills empty glasses promptly, and there were in fact 7 wines.... Altogether, more than 20 different dishes, many just one or two bites, all exquisite and several quite extraordinary. I'd heard so many mentions of the pig that I was briefly disappointed when we received the goat ... but not after the 1st bite ... oh my..... We left stuffed and very very happy. The service matches the food perfectly

    I'm poor at descriptions, so I'll just say we finally have our replacement for Laboratorio -- we've been to several of the top-raved restaurants, and most we came out of saying, "that was wonderful" and so on, but Laboratorio, every time, we came out trying to figure out how soon we could return -- and that was how we felt at the end of the evening at Komi: how soon can we come up with $500 for dinner for 2 (w/tip)??? Not soon, alas, but it won't be 6 months either....

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

    We ended up at one of the tables under the fan at the front, with no ill effects, but next time we'll ask for the table in front of the window to the kitchen, to be able to watch the magic.

    (Dang, wish it could be sooner....)


  2. We loved Laboratorio, and we're seeking something similarly wondrous (that's in DC and isn't Citronelle, CityZen, or the minibar). We'd decided on Komi's degustazioni, but today I ran across the Teatro Goldoni chef's table thread here, and now I'm torn again -- so, my query: if you've done both, which would you recommend more highly? Thanks!

    (We don't have lots of money, so we focus on just a few spectacular dinners out a year -- while it was open, Laboratorio pretty much fit that bill: http://lukefisher.com/laboratorio.htm)

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