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Posts posted by NiceDocter

  1. No disagreement or counterpoint here.  When you are shooting a free throw the least number of variables works in your favor, hence no knee bend or minimal is best.  Long shooting is another story and of course this is NOT what St Martin is any good at!   The knee bend is just a cheaters way of increasing distance without sacrificing form. By the way , I spent 45 minutes at a county fair with St Martin in around 1985 talking to him about basketball and watching him shoot..... he had a shopping cart full of brand new leather basketballs and anyone could shoot 10 free throws for 5 bucks, if you outshoot him you get a brand new leather basketball.  The kicker is he wins all ties,  the people who paid the money while I was there all lost, if they made 7 or 8 or 9, he would just shoot 7 or 8 or 9 and it was over!  He never had to make all 10 while I watched but then again he didnt miss even one!  His shooting style was atrocious with a two hand side spin shot.... how he could control it I will never know. He said he never really played basketball and wasnt much of an athlete!   Nice guy though and a MACHINE on free throws.  

  2. I dont care if he choked the line or not..... he came through in the clutch when he needed to! Most people do not know how close the mission was to failure and what Armstrong did to land that LEM! If you go back to the movie The Right Stuff, the original Mercury 7 astronauts were given a space vehicle that had no window and no control stick... they were just as they so eloquently put it "Spam In A Can".  So they actually went on strike and refused to train further unless they could get those 2 things they said any pilot of any craft should have.... a way to view the horizon and some way of steering the capsule. NASA acquiesced and so the program continued with those things on all manned spacecraft. Jumping all the way ahead to the first manned moon landing, the descent of the LEM was controlled by a computer which quickly became overwhelmed by too much data inputting too fast and hence it was not keeping up with the real time situation which as Armstrong could see would mean they were LANDING IN A FIELD OF GIANT BOULDERS almost certainly capsizing the module and making the 2 men inside either dead on arrival or stranded on the moon with a broken ship. Armstrong had the BALLS to switch off the computer and take the joystick in hand..... with only a little over a minutes worth of fuel as I recall.... with the whole world waiting... and the entire space program and his life on the line.... he began to fly laterally at 45 degrees over the moons surface, using only his pilots skills and his guts,  looking out the window for a place to land...quickly burning through his fuel supply with  copilot Buzz Aldrin talking to him constantly giving him data......  if he couldnt find a landing site, he could have hit an ABORT button to resend the craft back into orbit but then the mission was over and a failure..... with minimal fuel left he saw his spot and set the craft down manually with dust flying everywhere... and using the shadow of the spacecraft on the lunar surface to help guide him.....heart rate monitors back at NASA on the astronauts were going crazy.  The guy saved the whole damned space program with that one minute of the best flying ever.....so if he did or didnt goof the line.... I do not care.  Here is one of Americas Finest and a guy thank GOD who had THE RIGHT STUFF!!!!! And thanks also to those first 7 guys who stood up to NASA and got Armstrong the control stick and window that made it possible for him to land that bird! 

  3. Come to Jacksonville to play the Senior Games silver medalist??? LOL .................really great to hear you are doing something in sports again, its got to be good for your health both mental and physical!   maybe give your teacher the O Cedar angler shot!!  Or the GeeYairMo backhand!!!  somthin tells me that only works in the basement......... 

  4. They are getting ready to start these roads here in Jacksonville. Florida to be billed under the good ole southern fried SunPass already in effect in Orlando and other surrounding areas. Although I am a capitalist, I hate the fact that more wealthy people can afford to zip along while the average working stiff has to sweat it out in a traffic jam. 10 bucks a day or whatever it costs is more than a lot of people can afford.......... REGRESSIVE TAX POLICY AT ITS WORST!!!   

  5. Tradition has it that the begining drum beats simulate muscular contraction frequency during orgasm!!!!  Or is that Fun Fun Fun? One of those that has the bass drum steady beat at the beginning although now I cant seem to find it!  Yikes!

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  6. Does anyone know why the practice team of the last players cut in the NFL is sometimes referred to as the "taxi squad"?  No fair googling up the answer if you dont already know it!   Scroll way down to see.......
























    Original term came from Paul Brown and the Cleveland Browns wanting to keep extra players around for practice but since there was a roster limit, the owner put the extra players on the payroll of his cab company, even though they never drove cabs! Hence, the "taxi squad"!

  7. This 2004 Jumilla would *by no means* be too old - it should be fresh as a daisy. Vibrant, red fruits, and with absolutely *no* browning. Assuming proper storage, I would not have advised opening this wine before the age of ten - you did the right thing by holding onto it.

    Maybe you should pay for your drink purchases with these???


  8. A couple of my other things that go towards wrecking a good meal..... #1  "Are you still working on that? "   No you numbnuts, I am not working, I bust my ass all week at my job so I can pleasurably eat a nice meal in peace.  Work is not eating...... although Ive had some meals that can only be described as a struggle..... #2  "Can I get that out of the way for you? " while the schmuck is grabbing your half eaten dinner, part of which you are chewing in your mouth while you try not to choke saying HEY PUT THAT BACK IM NOT DONE YET!

    All of which has made me realize I would rather have a hot dog with good service than a steak dinner served tortuously by Nimrod.   Jus sayin...... :blink:

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