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Posts posted by iEat

  1. Sablefish is certainly trite.

    Absence of bread (especially using crackers as a substitute) is becoming trite.

    Charcuterie has been trite for at least a year.

    Chimay is trite.

    And the Sablefish seems to be paired with miso lately. In more than one place.

    Endives with blue cheese and pecans = trite. There are more nuts and cheeses out there for people to come up with a more unique salad.

  2. You guys are like heroin addicts when it comes to Bebo. Suffice it to say, everytime we belabor this topic, it makes me never want to step foot in this restaurant, which is sad because Donna's talents aren't allowed to shine through because of the horrible press this place gets.

    What's tough is that it seems like minor changes could be made to improve the service and allow diners to enjoy their food. At this point, enjoying the food is an afterthought. It doesn't take a rocket scientist turned restaurant consultant to know that a proper host/ess stand that is manned by an employee is better than a large, low-to-the-ground unstaffed table, a sheet of looseleaf paper, and an open Dell laptop with a screen facing the groups of would-be diners who are utterly confused about why there is no one to ask about being seated.

    I would have never gone back a second time after my first experience, but I was being taken out by a family member who made the reservation on his own. Thank G-d we had Dairy Godmother for dessert to save our evening from mediocrity.

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