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Posts posted by othafa9

  1. This will be coal burning, New Haven Pizza, not Neapolitan....actually in many ways New Haven is the opposite of Neapolitan. They probably put the word "Napoletana" in there because famous New Haven places like "Frank Pepe's" also put that word into its name (Its also not neapolitan). My only issue with the use of that word, is that they may confuse some folks on what that style of pizza is. I'm actually excited to try this place. If done right, it could be the only elite coal oven style of pizza in the entire DC area.

  2. You are correct, Dino is now at Cane Rosso, and I wish him the best of luck, Jay Jerrier is a great guy over there as well. We are making some changes (new menu), and tweaking the pizzas (Sauce, dough fermentation) and working to improve as much as I can. If you stop in, be sure to say "hi"! I'll be there most dinner shifts...

    Rob Bristow


    Pizzeria DaMarco

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