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Posts posted by KOK

  1. Valid point - to a point.  By observing Passover, I hold fast to the observance of remembering the exile from Egypt (omitting bread/grains, corn products, rice & as much soy as possible).  To me, that justifies meeting the annual requirement of observance for this holiday.  Why be hypocritical and keep the strict laws of kashruit for only eight days?  I don't do it the other 357 days of the year, so if I mix dairy and meat but leave out the flour noodles, I'm still "safe."  Sorry if you feel this is thumbing my nose at the rules.

    My hypocrisy is so boundless, I've thrown away the bun from a Big Mac and had it on matzoh <_<

    The lasagna sounds like a winner!



  2. Unglazed quarry tiles are terra cotta (the stuff flower pots are made of) and are easily found at hardware stores.  Not to mention that they are pretty cheap.  Make sure you have your oven shelves measured so that you buy the correct amount.  You will also want to keep a couple of inches of space around the edges for the heat to evenly distribute.

    From your description it appears that the 6x6 tiles that you found are correct.  Just make sure that they are unglazed so you are not ingesting any lead.  To verify that they are not glazed just drop some water on them, if it beads up it is glazed.

    Thanks very much, esp the tip about the water! I hope to give the tiles a go this weekend.


  3. I saw the Alton Brown show about pizza again and decided it was time for a pizza stone. On the show he says to use "unfinished quarry tile" from a home store (Lowe's, Home Depot, etc). I found nothing that seemed right at Lowe's, and only some 6" x 6" kind of brick-looking tiles at Home Depot. No one at either store had any idea what I meant by unfinished quarry tile, or even unglazed tile.

    Can anyone give any advice on what to buy to make a pizza stone, or even if there's a good restaurant supply house to buy one for relatively cheap?

    The Pampered Chef stones and the ones at Williams Sanoma were expensive for their size and thickness.

    Thanks very much,


  4. My local Giant only has the 2 liter version---has anyone seen the individual bottles, and if so, where?
    I have never seen individual bottles. My cousin gets it in six pack cans in New York, and I've bought it in six packs in Pittsburgh (Squirrel Hill). I've never seen the cans in D.C.



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