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Posts posted by Stretch

  1. FYI, from what I know there are attempting to create "replica" pubs for the one in Rehoboth, right down the the decor.  No on-site brewing though; kegs delivered from the mothership.  Early word was the first one opening in Silver Spring, but I guess that fell through.

    Yeah. Their putative location is still a hole in the ground. Seems to be hard to open things on time in Silver Spring, no names mentioned. :lol:

    Edited to add: Off topic, but has anyone else gone off Dogfish Head beers a bit? I've had a few too many bad bottles recently. Victory Hop Devil and Stone Arrogant Bastard, that's where it's at right now.

  2. I had a friend of a friend over at my place last night who's just got back from several years in Seoul and over a few ales he mentioned a casserole-ish dish he particularly enjoyed that's served with a pig spine, allowing you to suck the tender meat off the vertebrae like a lollipop. Anyone come across that in these parts? (Not to digress too much, I hope.)

  3. It's not exactly family friendly but then again sometimes we aren't exactly family friendly :P   (although the picnic will be)

    Au contraire. I have an 8-month-old who will proudly model said garment. Er, we will need it in an 2T size, though. :lol:

    PS: I wish to lodge a formal complaint that this function is not being held in New England. This is seriously disadvantaging a very important segment of the DR.com membership, i.e. me.

  4. My favorite is the soul rolls.
    You should try the soul rolls.

    What is a soul roll?

    (OT: I tried to smoke ribs myself in a Weber Bullet last weekend and 2-1/2 hours in, when I cracked the lid for the first time, I found I'd managed to flip the cooking grate and dump both racks into the viscid water pan below, where they were greyly simmering. My wife swears there were little tears of shame and fury in the corners of my eyes. I maintain it was pork fat spatter.)

  5. A vegetarian who doesn't like vegetables? WTF??

    That piece was either a fiendishly well-conceived satire or one of the most unintentionally revealing insights into the bureaucratic (sorry, civil servant) mind ever committed to paper. Pixels. Whatever.

    "Not everyone at the dinner was family, and not all of our issues revolved around food."

    No shit. :P

  6. Tom mentioned this place in his "weekly dish" this morning, commenting on the dress code it seemed, and what it says about U St.  He seemed generally positive about the restaurant, tho the comments were mostly factual.  It would appear he was in the process of checking it out for a full-blown review.


    ... close to $4 million readying the space ...


    I think that says more about the new U than any dress code.

  7. Thirded. I have spent many happy lunchtimes goofing off there while eating good bistro food and drinking good Languedoc wines. It's also friendly, reasonably priced and rarely annoyingly crowded. Plus they serve brains, delicious braaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss! Much to be preferred to the rather soulless Les Halles down the road, in my humble and generally disregarded opinion.

  8. Dear DR.com friends,

    Forgive the self-indulgence, but with Don's permission I wanted to bid farewell to all of you before the Stretch family rather regretfully decamps for Boston next week. Thank you for the many, many hours of entertainment we've enjoyed in your company (virtual and otherwise) and for the many, many good meals we've enjoyed as a result of your discriminating palates and didactic generosity. I'd also like to apologize for not (despite several kind offers) getting any sort of "On a whim" event together to say this in person, but what with selling a house, buying a house, changing a couple of jobs and discovering, in the midst of all this, that some careless bastard popped another miniburger bun into the old oven, we've been well into the dreaded weeds. Anyway, I'm bound to keep lurking around, albeit from a remote location, and if the board was secretly crying out for more content on crappy chain places in the restaurant wasteland of Beantown's Western commuter suburbs, then I'm your man going forward.

    Keep eating, everyone. Rocks, special thanks for making the good stuff happen all the way back to the eG days of yore. And hey, we'll always have the bathrooms at Timberlake's.

    Pip pip.


  9. As it happens, we're in the vicinity right now (Isle of Palms). Had a really great dinner the other night at McCrady's downtown. Great value tasting menu at $65 and an excellent wine list. Definitely try the frog leg risotto.

    Charleston Grill also comes highly recommended at the higher end. For more casual stuff, we enjoyed Jack's Cosmic Dogs in Mount Pleasant and Hyman's on Meeting St. for seafood. Up Hwy. 17, Gullah Cuisine is supposed to have the best dirty rice anywhere. Sticky Fingers and Melvin's are both OK for BBQ if you get the craving. And yes, it is f*cking steamy down here right now.

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