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Posts posted by jpschust

  1. I'm sorry to bitch, and I'll delete this post later, but I don't want to run today, damn it.

    I want to dwink!

    I want to lounge in a hammock!

    I want to sip pina coladas while dipping my toes in a swimming pool.

    I want to be on a roller coaster.

    I want to be in a chalet somewhere in the Alps with a cold breeze coming through the window.

    But I don't want to run. Not today.

    Off I go.


    HATE IT.

    Get your ass off the couch and go for a run. My favorite run in DC is to get on the Mt. Vernon trail and just go. Reward yourself with a beer after the run. No matter how fast you run, you're still faster than anyone on a couch.
  2. The cafe at The Lebanse Butcher?
    Lebanese Butcher is Halal, not Kosher- they are different. While many Muslims will eat Kosher meat, those who are strictly kosher will never eat Halal meat. PS- that means I just got 10 cents more use out of my Jewish Studies degree.

    Check out the Kosher board on chowhound :blink:

  3. ever do any beer pairings?? these can be fun, especially with cheese or chocolate..thoughts :angry:
    I've been to a number of beer dinners and they've been excellent. I also threw a bbq last year on my back patio and did beer pairings for each course- it was excellent. I can probably find the menu for what I did again if you wish. I also have the last 2 menus from Moto and their pairings here.
  4. that is a shame. bc i have th utmost respect for both of the individuals at these establishments, and to hear they were lacking is sad. The Inn is definitely a bit steep when it come to the return, but... in what time frame were you there, and who was it that did your "pairings"? sometimes it is more abou the experience than how expensive the wine is on the menu :angry: . and whether the person is going to learn you something or not, and if not, then yes that sucks B)
    and I was there about 2.5 mo ago. Not sure to which place you were referring when quoting my post before. If you were talking about CityZen I'd probably agree, if talking about Moto I'd strongly disagree.
  5. ever get to a new restaurant and look at the menu and see a tasting menu,and the optional wine pairings t go along side? but there are no listings of what you are in for, whether it be creative or unimaginary, dul and worthless. wines you could have ordered by the glass, and bypassed the waisted time with the individual infront of you? horor stories? success stories? what is the route to tae the pairings, and should , :angry: you,the guest be offered options?
    Horror Story: CityZen, the wine pairing rip off of the century. Success story, anything Kathy is doing at 2941. I wish more restaurants would open up to the idea that pairings need not exclusively be wine. In some cases they may be liquor, in some cases they may be beer, in some cases they may not even be alcoholic. Maybe the best set of pairings I've ever had were the pairings to the Grand Tasting Menu at Moto in Chicago.
  6. No, no car. So if we can find a good local place within walking distance or a short cab ride, that would be great.

    May I ask why you aren't a fan of Anthony's?

    I've always had poor service there and for a town that prides itself on seafood, I've always had less than stellar seafood there. Let me do some digging for you- I don't spend a lot of time in the gaslamp, but I've spent a lot of time downtown which isn't too far. One place you must hit for dessert is Karen Krasne's, but I'll find you something pretty solid for dinner too. San Diego isn't much of a food city, but it's got a few hot spots.
  7. We'll be in San Diego in November for one day before we leave on a cruise. We're staying in the Gaslamp area near Petco Field. I've seen some good reports on a fish place called Anthony's and it's close to where we are staying. Are there any other good local places for fish (price range: cheap to moderate). I'd also be interested if anyone has a rec for a good mexican place (same price range).
    I've never been a big fan of anthony's. Are you going to have a car?
  8. RJ told me he's going to hang with us for a few more days, so here's another question:

    RJ, you've mentioned before that you'll go off-menu for anyone who asks. Can you expand on this so that someone walking into Vidalia wanting to plumb the considerable depths of your culinary armory knows what to do? Is there a minimum number of courses required? Does it need to be for the entire table? How much can people expect to spend? Is it true you're offering dr.com members a $7.95 fifteen-course meal through the end of 2009?



    I hear that it's paired with lafite and rothschilde wines for only a 6 dollar upgrade.

    Anyways, what advice would you give for the home cook who wishes to elevate their cooking to a more "gourmet" level?

  9. I'm sad to say that Damon - one of Monique's best friends - passed away yesterday morning in his sleep, one day before his 40th birthday. I'm sorry I never got a chance to meet him.
    That's really sad, my heart goes out to Monique and all of the rest of Damon's friends and family.
  10. guess this is where you look at the wine pairings and say, should i order or should i not,, or can i Upgrade??

    upgrades are always fun, that makes teh Somm feel like you are actually interested


    The pain is I don't even recall seeing the pairing list when we got a menu. My bad for sure, though no reason for a place of this calibur to take advantage of a patron.
  11. OK, I'm going to be completely honest here. I don't get the hype over CityZen. We ate there last night, and a number of the courses were very good to excellent, though the baby lamb fell very short. Dinner was extremely expensive, moreso than our bills for the full tasting menus at Restaurant Eve and Komi and the quality of the wine, service or interaction with staff was nowhere near as high. What really got me was the wine pairings, which I will note were reduced in price for us based on the really bad lamb dish. Even so, 5 courses of wine pairings from bottles that retail for no more than 15-20 bucks, with 2-3 oz pours, where one of the wines isn't even a wine (it's Rogue Shakespeare Stout retailing at a whopping 6 bucks a bottle or so) makes me feel like I was taken for a ride.

  12. Dude, I have been officially priced off donrockwell.com (and out of DC?!) if $100 is a cheap date. In my mind, over $100 is a special occasion--$40 is a cheap date! FWIW, I'm 26, gainfully employed, and not quite married.

    Does it have to be Saturday night? Menu della Sera at Dino would fit the bill Sun-Thurs--I guess that's an obvious choise for the regular dr.com reader...

    $40 cheap date with full dinner? How about Tallula? Eleventh Street Lounge is a viable option as well.
  13. last night: thaiphoon. OK, it's not great thai. I'll even agree it's not particularly good Thai, but I needed something spicy and I was in Pentagon Row. It doesn't feel like a meal wasted, but nothing was gained from said meal. Today I've got my last lunch with my boss, then I think he's headed out and I won't see him again. (woo hoo!)

  14. I'm not sure that I would bother going to a dozen different places before leaving town. Hit a couple of your faves; places that mean something. You're not going to Siberia after all - Chicago has many very nice restaurants. ;) And a pretty good local food board.
    Chicago has food? :P

    Last night I had my goodbye to firefly dinner. We were there past kitchen closing and the staff made it really special. Will, the GM, is a friend, the new Chef, Danny is awesome, and Ted, who I've met on and off a few times as our server has been great. Looking through my opentable list, I've been there probably around 20 times over the last year and a half. Food continues to stay consistently good even after John's departure, and the 3 or so bottles of wine didn't hurt either. Stop typing so loud :)

  15. Oh JPschust, say it ain't so! You've put me to shame with your frequent restaurant patronage, but I've enjoyed all of your reports. I KNOW you're going to put Eve somewhere on your list. How about the chipper since it's going to be tough to beat anywhere this side of the pond. Best wishes to both of you.
    The sad part is we are moving into a place with the first kitchen since I lived with my parents that I feel is really quality to cook in- high end stove is the key for me. I'm really excited to start working on french cooking again. I think we should find a spot for the chipper on a weeknight and then scamper up to PX to have a drink ;) Good call.

    You'll see posts from me over on lthforum and in the Chicago thread here still. :P

  16. Well, it's happening. I'm moving to Chicago with my significant other. She's ready to go, I'm ready to go, but I'm short on eating time. Help me out all, what am I missing- here's our list of what we want to eat before we leave...

    July 10: Firefly (gotta say goodbye to Will and some of the staff)

    July 11: Open (but might be slotted for Dino, where we had our first date)

    July 12: Open

    July 13: Open

    July 14: Open

    July 15: Open

    July 16: Open

    July 17: CityZen

    July 18: Open

    July 19: Lunch at 2941, no dinner plans yet, last day of work for me

    July 20: Leave for Chicago, dinner at Moto

    July 21: Chicago, dinner at Carlos'

    July 22: Return from Chicago, dinner at TNR Cafe

    July 23: Open

    July 24: Open

    July 25: Open

    July 26: Happy hour and dinner at The Reef

    Price isn't really an object with these meals, though we've eaten at virtually every high end restaurant in DC including Komi, Citronelle, Palena, Eve (which we need to slot in there one more day), and 2941 (which we need to slot in there as well).

    What am I missing? (I'll keep this thread updated to throw some feedback in here)

  17. I'm going to put a whole lot of money on the fact that they didn't have it indicates they won't. I know the folks at New Belgium pretty darn well and they are insane about the refrigeration of their beer from brewpoint to service point. They simply can't do it to DC at this point. I'll leave aside for the moment that Fat Tire isn't a particularly good beer, let alone a good amber.

  18. I don't know if anyone has noticed but it seems as though the Caribou Coffee on 18th St. has gone out of business. I will place the blame predominately on Starbucks' shoulders, as they are just up the block and I think that the name recognition has trumped the quality of the coffee (which I think Caribou has the upper hand). I hear they are trying to put in another coffee concept in that space, which is around 1500 square feet, but I just don't know if that is such a good idea with The Diner, Tryst, and Starbucks all already on the block...
    Interesting. I still own my place over there but I haven't lived in it for about a month since I'm trying to sell it (speaking of which is any Rockwell member looking for an insanely nice condo?). I used to go to Caribou to go buy all my ground espresso and to Tryst for everything else.
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