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Al Dente

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Posts posted by Al Dente

  1. Had a really nice one last night.

    Chateau de Grande Cassagne, Costieres de Nimes. ($9 Magruders)

    Powerful fruit (mainly strawberry) up front and a long semi-sweet finish. Great body for a rose.

    I dig that one too. Picked up a case of it at Schneider's last night.

  2. What's the best way to test for that?

    You could do it in a way that's similar to the way I finished a steak in the oven once.

    Take two All Clad saute pans (or any matching pans with metal handles) and place on the wire rack on opposite sides of the oven with the handles pointing towards you. Set oven to 500 degrees. Once the oven comes to temperature, open oven and grab the handles with your bare hands.

    Compare hands. :lol:

  3. Circle Bistro has been reviewed here, how strict were you going to be?

    I'm not strict at all. I just gotta make sure my ol' lady isn't going to be strict. Still awaiting a reply from her to see if I can go out and play. Hopefully my recent foray into the laundry room will pay off.

  4. Have you been to Hank's?  Granted the bar is SMALL, but I was thinking of heading in for a lobster roll, although I would be up for CB and a Rockwellian outing of sorts.

    I walked into Hank's a couple of weeks ago and attempted to get a view of the bar over the heads of the 200 peeps in front of me. Gave up and went to Komi. But I'll be back.

    I'm warming up to this Circle Bistro concept. Hmmmm...

  5. I went to Sushi Ko again with my best friend and brother for a sort of mini-bachelor party this past Saturday. When I made our reservation I found out that Chef Terano was away on vacation but when we took our seats at the sushi bar we were pleased to find that the food and gastronomic magic show does not suffer in the least when Chef Terano is away.

    I have dreams about that slab of fatty tuna behind the glass that looks almost like the most over the top super-marbled hunk of steak in existence. The soft shell crab tempura was outstanding with its perfect crunch and pure crab meat taste. Seared rare duck breast rivaled any preparation I've had. The simple mushroom soup settled and soothed our taste buds in between the thrilling rides of other courses. And all of the sushi and sashimi was utterly pristine.

    All 3 of us went the Omikase route and enjoyed a couple of bottles of sake for a little over $100/head tax and tip included. It was an amazing way to start our night (we ended the night at BdC if that gives you any indication of our final condition).

    Sushi GO!

  6. We walked into a packed Sonoma tonight at about 7:30 and managed to snag a couple of seats at the bar. Jared said they had hoped to have a chance to get warmed up to such volume, but the crowd kept coming. Despite the deluge, service managed to stay more or less on top of things and stay attentive despite the chaos.

    The charred venison carpaccio with porcini aioli is outstanding-- one of the best carpaccio dishes I've had. And at $7! Such earthy pleasure. We both had a couple of pizzas which were delicious. I had a white pizza with morels and wild boar sausage and my ol lady had a red pizza with arugula.

    A 15 minute walk away for me-- I'll be there regularly. :lol:

  7. Hello Chef-- I consider myself a competent and perhaps even slightly accomplished home cook, but baking is almost completely missing from my repertoire. I've dabbled in focaccia, played with pastry dough, and experimented with a friend's bread machine, but I need to round out my skills. I must admit, I've been somewhat intimidated by it all.

    Can you think of any particular cookbooks that would help send me on my way to amateur baking greatness?


  8. May I ask some completely heartless yet utterly logical questions?

    Why are we banning the export of horse meat? For that matter, why were we exporting it for consumption, yet banning consumption at home? And why are horses given special consideration over other animals (cows, pigs, sheep, goats, etc.)?

    I've never had horse meat (so far as I know), but why does some thoroughbred owner get all up in arms and sponsor this ban? I own a world champion figure skating pig, but you don't see me campaigning against bacon.

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