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Posts posted by Barbara

  1. As you know, you are NOT supposed to give your medication to anyone. HOWEVER, one of my neighbors had some Ambien and some Valium, neither of which she said did a damn thing. So I, being unable to sleep through the night, took both bottles. She was RIGHT. Useless stuff.

    So, the question is: should I give Rocks these useless pills? Will this help anything at all?

    If money to support this site is the question, I would like Rocks to look at www.americablog.blogspot.com for ways to go about resolving this.

  2. No, No, No, Heather.

    While I AM one of those people who think wine tastes better drunk from crystal, I consider jelly jars a major step up from plastic (of which, I suspect, we will have an abundance at this gathering). There is Nothing, NOTHING I TELL YOU, which can make boxed wine taste good. And, my DH and I pride ourselves on finding the good stuff among the cheap stuff. It's kind of a hobby, born of necessity, as much as an art. We have to drink quite a bit in pursuit of the good stuff that doesn't break the bank. :lol:


  3. I would like to add that this is not an exclusive group. It is, rather, unusual for DC in that NOBODY will ask you what you do for a living (if anything) and then walk away if it isn't of use to them. In fact, I don't know what most of these folks do, with the exception of a handful I've actually gotten to know.

    Despite implications to the contrary, this is actually a polite crowd. And, because, after all, this is the DC area, a lot of interesting folk.

    What have you got to lose? The food and drink will certainly be better than at your average picnic; I can't imagine anyone reading this would even think of bringing a box of wine. :lol:

    It is kinda of competitive, in that regard. Your stomach will thank you.


  4. Michael:

    So, how come you didn't answer MY question, which has somehow materialized on a completely different RTS site?

    Seriously, which is better: A Sunday or A Tuesday? (Asks the person who got married on her birthday, thinking she was doing hubby a favor by only having to remember ONE date?)

    DH just said he wants TWO hours at 7:00!!!! He's either going to have to sign up himself, or be blocked from reading this.


  5. I read something about Niman's (in the WP this week? I'm having a "senior" moment). I would think they could succeed without the fast-food connection. Could be wrong about that. I am all for flavorful piggies raised in a "humane??" manner.

    I went to Chipotle on the recommendation of SOMEONE, who shall remain nameless in his assless chaps, in our foodie circle. I have to say I was underwhelmed. Perhaps something without the rice and beans (black beans, no less) would be better, but I am not really willing to add to McD's coffers unless it is for something really special.

    My bias against "Mexican" food has to do with my birth and long stay in El Paso. I am used to a type of food not found anywhere else. I would rather eat some other type of food than stuff I consider "inauthentic," IMHO. I never saw a black bean until I moved to DC. I realize that they are common throughout the Caribbean and Central America, among other places, but not on the Border.

  6. JG's smoked pork butt sounds delicious. Aside from the "Mediterranean" potato salad, some beer and wine, I have a pretty good brownie recipe (scratch, of course) I will be happy to bring; but I love the Argentinian sausages at Todito's and would be happy to bring some to throw on the grill (which I HOPE someone is bringing), if there is any interest in those. If Busboy is bringing homemade sausages, then I would rather try his.

  7. For $10, not including tax and tip, you can get a perfectly acceptable burger that comes with fries TO DIE FOR at the bar at Corduroy.

    In Adams Morgan, in the 1800 block of Columbia Road, there is a little take-out place (they do have some tables) called the "Astor". The Astor burger, which is made with lamb dressed with lettuce and a yoghurt sauce will set you back $3.77 and comes on a Kaiser roll--not one of the flabby burger buns. This is the saving grace when the person whose turn it is to cook doesn't feel like it at our home. The most expensive item is the lamb shank (which comes with rice and veggies) for $8 and change. Tax, but no tip. They also have falafel which I much prefer to the falafel (either as a "sandwich on pita" or as a platter with some other salad/veggie stuff) to Falafel Amsterdam on 18th St. Good eats for very little money. You won't feel deprived. Just up the street at Todito's, they have the Black Swan wine (in various flavors) on sale for $4.99.

  8. I don't understand a single thing on this thread. Oh, BTW, I was working at Science magazine back in the 80's when those "vent" worms were found. We published the first papers on them, if my memory serves. How embarrassing that I didn't have a clue about the term "Sucks Ventworm Nuts." :lol:

  9. Since Cashion's is only a couple blocks away from us, it became our go-to place for special occasions soon after it opened. It's been a while since we've eaten there, however. My husband had the sweetbreads and they were simply fried and left raw in the middle :lol: . I don't think that's how they are supposed to be prepared. The rest of the meal was simply mediocre. I figured it was just another restaraunt resting on its laurels. And, we really objected to wine being served in a tumbler, although the food was usually good enough to overlook that. Until that last meal.

    As far as people being "afraid" to come to Adams Morgan, all I can say is that this neighborhood gets absolutely packed on the weekends. Parking is always a problem, but it is easy to get to using public transportation. But then, I don't consider Cashion's to be a "destination" restaurant.

  10. Lordy, my computer problems are such that I can't read any links. PIA. I can, however, imagine what this says about Buca. It is a short (dammit) walk down the hill from our place so, of course, we had to try it out after it had been open for a short time.

    Among my many complaints about this place is that, unless they have changed their menu, and I REALLY don't care if they have, one cannot get a meal for a single person, or even for two people. How utterly bizaare. DH and I had to agree on what we were going to eat because all the entrees were for three or more people. Chicken with lemon and capers (and isn't that called "Piccata" everywhere else?), seemed not so bad for about $15; except that it consisted of THREE chicken breasts. Excuse me?

    We went for the smallest version of Caesar salad and asked for anchovies. Yup, fresh out of the can and THROWN on top. That salad could have fed half the diners in the place. We went for the eggplant parmesan (!). Yes, three eggplant "sandwiches." I don't even want to discuss the 3 liter bottle or Chianti for $60. This is wine-in-a-box quality and more than $5 for that dreck is highway robbery. (This was discovered at an unfortunate event for someone else's birthday party. In order to get the table with the "Pope" we had to eat "dinner" at 4:30 in the afternoon on Saturday. Don't ask. It's an experience that won't be repeated. I need hardly add that the birthday girl has never looked at any foodie site.)

    The problem for us, you see, is that we have to walk by the place everytime we go to the subway, to Bistrot du Coin, Timberlake's, or just down the damn hill.

    What evil mind dreamed up that place?

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