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Posts posted by thistle

  1. I have Indigo fireball, black Krim, & some other tomato (that I lost the tag)- my word to you is Sungold, the best tomato ever. I was slow off the mark this year, & got the last two at HWV, passed one on to Bart, but they're producing already, & will probably go late into the fall-small, acid/ tart orange cherry tomatoes. & thanks to a trade w/ Bart, I have more peppers than I would have imagined, & many of them are ripe-poblanos, jalapeí±os, Thai Hot- I've also got an Ichiban eggplant for dinner tomorrow. & tons of Thai basil...life is good...

  2. & just to encourage anyone who's on the fence, pick up a 6-pack or a bag of cookies & go to Ft. Hunt Park-it's going to be hot & muggy & Father's Day-but what else do you have to do? Some of us will be there, w/ food & drink- these are among my best memories of this group, the picnics, even (& especially) the last minute ones, that I didn't plan on attending...if you come early, you can help me unload...

  3. There is an article in this morning's Post about Scheib disappearing while hiking on a trail in/near Taos, N.M., the town where he most recently relocated.  He's been missing since Saturday.  It's encouraging that this is still a search and rescue operation, but it's unsettling that it's been nearly a week.

    I saw this, too - I hope for a positive outcome, but hiking alone, with recent flooding, doesn't bode well.

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  4. I don't want to tell you how long I have subscribed to various food related publications (many years), I miss Gourmet, now I'm down to Saveur & F&W. The July edition of F&W has an excellent article, Master Class w/ Jacques Pepin, "Life Changing Lessons" , & on the flip side, Best New Chefs- lots of fun to read, while I'm letting my smoker do all the work today.

  5. Star, hope your Grandma has an uneventful stay at the hospital & feels better soon- I'm sorry I have not checked in earlier, but things are crazy around here. However, the smoker is fired up & I will be bringing bbq, slaw, ribs, & pound cake, & arriving early w/ all the flotsam & jetsam (tablecloths, plates, flatware) from previous picnics. I'm just bummed that my DH came into town for a conference (he's doing a Germany tour), but flies out tonight, before the picnic & Father's Day- he did get bbq I made last weekend & ribs. I plan on drafting Lizzy & a friend to arrive 11:30ish & start setting up. I'm looking forward to seeing familiar friends & new faces, & having a lovely picnic in the park.

  6. My cousins spent the previous (rainy) day in DC, hitting the obvious sites-Lincoln memorial, the mall, museums, White House, & after spending about 3 hours w/ me at Mount Vernon, were going to the Pentagon memorial & Arlington cemetery, & then going to a Nats game- I wisely bowed out. I am too old for hard core sightseeing.

  7. Reading that article today, I was just waiting to see all the comments (& I was not disappointed)- as one who leans towards a curmudgeonly,grumpyass view on small children in restaurants (I am a parent, who held off on taking kids to a nice restaurant until their behavior was manageable), it was QUITE interesting to read everyone's varying opinions on child diners. It doesn't affect me much, I cook at home most days, but it was an interesting read.

  8. Can I put in a shameless plug for Mount Vernon? (My husband works there- full disclosure.)  They do fireworks during the day on July 4th and have other cool events I didn't really know about until MK started working there.  You can also take the water taxi to/from old town to Mount Vernon, which is fun.

    My favorite things to see/do in Washington as a tourist before I lived here and just living here other than Smithsonians/ memorials is to get a tour of the National Cathedral, go to the rehearsal for the Capital 4th concert with a picnic and hope it doesn't rain AGAIN, Eastern Market/Union Market.  Drinks at POV (even though it can be kind of clubby now, great view still). Oh, and a Nats game, I love going to National's Stadium.

    My cousin & his wife came up last week to visit their son, who lives up here now, & we did Mount Vernon, because I live right down the road. I advised them to put on sneakers & we had a great visit (still haven't toured the mansion, because it's a huge time sink), we did get to see a friend of mine, who is fortunate enough to work w/ the animals at MV, shear a sheep, & tour the gardens. We also visited the gristmill, which is quite interesting, & much less crowded.

    After reading a Gawker article about people who wonder about living in NYC, I realize again how lucky I am to live here-out in the burbs, close enough to the city, w/out exorbitant rents & the smell of garbage. I am a fortunate woman, in many ways, & I try not to forget that fact.

  9. Millions of peaches, peaches for me, millions of peaches, peaches for free- damn, now I have an earworm.

    & just look at the lyrics-

    Take a little nap where the roots all twist

    Squished a rotten peach in my fist

    And dreamed about you, woman,

    I poked my finger down inside

    Make a little room for an ant to hide

    Nature's candy in my hand or can or a pie

    Rises above canned peaches.

  10. I have all the random leftover picnic stuff (tablecloths, plates, plasticware) stored in my garage, & I plan to be there to set up (I live right around the corner). I'm having fun thinking about stuff I could bring, besides pulled pork & pound cake, things I think I have brought to every picnic I've been to. It would be wonderful if we had a lot of new folks (or people who just haven't been able to make it to a picnic before) show up, we could hang out, eat good food, drink alcohol, & complain about how hot it is (end of June, guaranteed, sounding like that Cajun guy).

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