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Everything posted by kostato

  1. Hi, my name is Kosta and up till now I've been input only trying to take in all I can get on the food scene here in DC so here is my first post. I am a cube warrior that fantasizes about escaping the nerd factory and opening a bike-shop/pizzeria/cafe. Given the current state of the world, that will have to wait until better financial times. I love to cook and have had a CSA share with Great Country Farms for the past two seasons. I try to be creative with veggies and have my own Iron Chef based on whatever is in the box for the week. I also love making my own Neapolitan pizza and intend to build a backyard oven, as soon as I have my own back yard. Bike racing is the other pursuit that brings out my inner Walter Mitty, fancying myself a super-domestique fetching bottles and chasing breakaways, whereas in reality I am a middling competitor in the lower-tier of amateurs. The primary benefit is being able to eat as much of whatever I want. Anyway, I look forward to being part of this forum and finding further inspiration for cooking and dining.
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