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Posts posted by SeanMike

  1. Now I have to buy a TV so I can figure out who this guy is. :rolleyes:

    And what is "Instagram," and what is that little heart with 1,877 next to it?

    Oh, Don, you're so blissfully behind the times. :wub:

    I enjoy the heck out of Andrew Zimmern's shows. From what I remember about him, he's done everything from being a chef to being homeless and eating out of dumpsters. His show(s) tend to be about more unusual foods but he's always game and excited about things, it seems, and just comes off as a good guy. (I'm sure that could be editing, but everything I've heard about him seems to lean towards it being genuine.) I wouldn't call him a celebrity chef, but more of a food TV host.

    (Then again, if you look at Guy Fieri that way, he's much less odious. :wacko: )

    And Instagram is another social media site that lets you add filters to pictures and share them with folks, so it's probably nothing you'd be interested in. We know how you feel about social media, after all. :D The "hearts" are like "likes" or "+1"s.

  2. Honestly the thought of a "conspiracy" didn't even occur to me. Writers often publish things to take a side, use hyperbole or something sensational to provoke a discussion. Nothing conspiratorial or wrong with that. Though of course I can't be sure, I'm guessing it very possible that was part of MF's intent given some of the views seem outside the margins.

    Ha! That's exactly what I did in my article in this month's CigarAdvisor.com. My first take was a bit too "reasonable" so I said "f--- it" and went over the top. It'll be interesting to see what people think.

    (It's also how I'm going to be writing about politics on my new blog for that, but that's as much for catharsis as anything.)

  3. So thanks to my new meds I've had to get my blood worked on a couple of times. Both times I've gone to this company.

    It's a bit annoying to get to - mostly because the garage is $4 cash only. When you get in there, it's still not listed on the directories on the walls.

    The office every time I've been there has been just one guy. However, he's incredibly friendly, fast, and best of all, really good at distracting you while taking your blood. I don't even get a bruise when he's done.

    The work has always been done fast, correctly, and they take care of all the insurance.

    SeanMike Whipkey

  4. They're both seasonal, so they may already be gone, but they were much better examples of seasonal IPAs than any seasonal IPAs I have actually had.

    I first tried the Smitten rye back in February time frame but I saw it in the cooler section of Ace last weekend. It may be like the conversation I overheard at Irish Whiskey Public House the other night about Oberon ("They call it a seasonal, but brew it 9 months out of the year..." - I don't know the veracity of the statement but it doesn't sound out of bounds).

  5. Was here last night for a date. This is going to sound like an overly critical review, so let me say up front: the food was fantastic as were the drinks.

    My date has celiac, so I requested the gluten free menu. They made sure to give her one that had the items with gluten faded out. It was a nice touch for someone who has to be careful, but she pointed out that it also still let her see what she was missing. :(

    The Devils on Horseback (IIRC the name) were great - figs with blue cheese wrapped in bacon. I had the salmon with white asparagus and squid ink quinoa, which I quite enjoyed, and she had the pot roast.

    Nitpicks: it was SO LOUD IN THERE. It didn't help that on one side of us they seated a large table of drunk, boisterous businessmen who were basically yelling and kept dropping things, and there were several small children in the place. I would've asked if we could be moved but there wasn't much open seating and really nowhere that wasn't loud.

    Also, a server (who also had the big table, so maybe he was a bit overwhelmed) was a bit hard to flag down...

    Still, I'd forgotten how good it could be.

  6. By the way folks: we're going to a weekly rotation of writing. I posted two weeks ago, last week Ashley posted about Ardbeg, and in the next two weeks Anthony and Marshall will have posts up, then me again. I won't update every single time we post but wanted to give you a head's up!

  7. On Friday night we headed to Evening Star to try it out. We had a great time and the food was fantastic.

    We started off with appetizers. My mom and my sister-in-law got the beet salad. I didn't try it, but everyone who did liked it a lot. We got an order of the crab fritters, which disappeared in no time, and an order of the grilled oysters. Then a second order of the grilled oysters, because they were fantastic. They were the best I've had outside of New Orleans, and I'd put them right up there with a lot of the ones I had there. (Still, at $9 for four of them, they're not as cheap as NOLA. Sigh.)

    My brother, dad, and I each ordered the fried chicken because it sounded so good. I was surprised to hear that it was boneless thighs, and not bone-in, but it was still quite good (and it made it easier to eat). The potatoes and gravy with it were also quite good. I did like the collard greens with boiled peanuts, though as mentioned up thread I don't know how much the peanuts added to it. I also wished I'd asked for hot sauce with the greens.

    My mom had the duck, which I tasted and thought was really good. She raved about the rice with it. My s-i-l got the shrimp and grits and loved hers, too.

    The service was very friendly. Most of the time our drinks came out pretty quickly, though I personally could've used the waitress swinging by a bit more.

    With five entrees, two salads, three orders of appetizers, and a few drinks each, for the five us it came out to about $65 a person after tip. That wasn't bad for all that we had, and I thought it was quite good. My brother and I were already discussing visiting the bar in the back some other time...

  8. The family - my parents, brother and sister-in-law, and I - went to the Del Ray Cheesetique for lunch on Friday. It was my first time in any of the locations.

    When we walked in we were a bit nervous about them sitting five of us but were surprised to see how big the back room was. It was a bit loud, mostly due to some construction next door. Several people left due to it.

    And, to be honest, it was one of the best lunches I've had in a long time. For $10 I got an awesome, too big for me to finish grilled pimento cheese sandwich with a vinegar-y potato salad that cut through the richness of the cheese perfectly. Everybody loved what they got - my mom got a blue cheese and mushroom sandwich, my brother a cheese steak, my dad the same as me but with bacon, and I forgot what the s-i-l had. Almost all the meals were around $10.

    Afterwards we picked up some wine - you get 10% off your same day purchase if you eat there.

    We had great service and great food. Now that my brother and s-i-l live closer to Del Ray, I can't wait to hit it again.

  9. Thanks to Mr. Rockwell, I took my date, an ER nurse who would be in scrubs for it, here for dinner on the patio. It was a huge hit and I owe him for it! (More so if we go out again, and more if she wants to ... uh, I'll stop there.)

    What I immediately thought was funny was the environs. My favorite barbecue joint in Memphis is Rendezvous, which is run by a Greek family, while here I'm eating Greek in an old barbecue joint.

    Starting from the beginning:

    I had two glasses of the house red that started with a K. It was fine. She had a chardonnay and liked it.

    We split the special of stuffed mushrooms. For around $10, you got 3 large (not portobello, but not tiny) mushrooms stuffed with crab meat. They were delicious, and I say that as someone who doesn't particularly care for mushrooms. She used the bread (it was meh) to dredge the rest of the oil, etc., out of the plate.

    Two house salads, not bad at all, I'm just still a bit hesitant after some possibly salad-related food poisoning.

    She got Vaso's Shrimp over pasta, and loved it. I tried it, and I thought it was quite delicious. The sauce was creamier than I expected and the pasta perfectly done. The shrimp were great.

    I had the stuffed veal chop special which I knew would be expensive but whew ($30.95). It was FANTASTIC and I never got to my veggies. We had multiple people stop and comment on it.

    The service was good, though it was confusing who our waitron actually was - they were training several new staff, but definitely took care of us.

    Folks: go here. Try the food. Tell me what to get next time. There's so much that looks good here, and the staff was great. This is the kind of small business that DonRocks lionizes for good reason. We had a fantastic time on the patio, and if it leads to a second date or beyond, I'll have to blame/thank Don for suggesting here. She loved it, as did I.

  10. The cumin lamb arrived first, along with its body odor-like smell.

    OH THANK GOD. I thought I was the only who thought that about cumin.

    I've always wondered about this place, as it's right next to Marshall's house, so I'll have to give it a shot.

    Sthitch: while you're in the area, if you'd like to grab a drink (or food while I drink), drop me a note. I promise to wear pants, unless you come wearing a DonRocks outfit, in which case they may be discarded.

    (PS: Had a good date tonight and might be a bit tipsy now)

  11. What kind of tonic? I have had it with Q, Fever Tree, and Fentimans - that is the order of preference for me, the Fentimans and the Malacca are just too medicinal together.

    Good luck on your day, here is to a happy ending :)

    It went very well, thanks both of y'all. :-) We started at Passenger, tried Hogo (she is coeliac, and unfortunately nothing at Hogo really worked at the time), so we went to Mockingbird Hill where we had a great time and I knew about half the people in there.

    I was using generic Kroger tonic, actually. I'd tried with Hansen before and it overwhelmed it, but the generic tonic worked well with it.

    • Like 1
  12. I also picked this handle because I thought I wouldn't be posting. Normally I use "Beaker" or "Beakerhead". I have a cranium the same general shape as Beaker, the muppet, and the nickname stuck in college.

    Ha! One of my good friends in college had the same nickname. In fact, we still call him that regularly. When his parents called and asked for "Jason" we'd be confused.

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  13. I subscribed to the Sunday post so I could have digital access. It'll be nice to have a physical paper occasionally too now, and it's cheaper than the digital only subscriptions.

    When I review a bar on the blog (I KNOW I USED TO POST WHATEVS I HAVE A BIG POST COMING UP THIS WEEK) if I don't have anything nice to say, I don't say anything typically. That's because I *like* almost all the people I know in the industry and don't want to hurt someone's possible livelihood.

    That being said, I don't make money off that writing. Well, much money. Very very little money. It is not my livelihood.

    For Tom, it is his, and doing things that will get attention to upcoming articles is good for his career. I don't want to know just which restaurants are good, I want to know which are bad, and I will fully admit that I more often find "bad" reviews more entertaining than "good" ones. (When I did video game reviews, my reviews slamming a game were much more popular than the ones praising a game - other than my Brickbreaker review.)

    Anyways, I didn't find what he did to be trolling. To be honest, I found it interesting. He's hooked me, I admit. And if he's as well known in the industry as everyone says he is (I don't know him personally from Adam) perhaps that's a way to give a hint to the restaurant that they have issues before he goes back again.

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