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Posts posted by fuzzy510

  1. Sorry you can't join us fuzzy510--maybe your boss won't miss you if you show up late? ;) We're at 10 right now, and don't forget, there are people available to pick up at Metro in case anyone needs a ride to the restaurant.

    I'll have to see - I might be able to just come in to work earlier instead of staying later to get what needs to be done done.

  2. You've got to be kidding me. He's nominated for a James Beard Award for being the Best Chef In The Untied States.

    And! I've heard (but cannot confirm) that Robert Parker ate there and gave it 96 points in his Hedonist's Gazette.

    What can I say? Thanks for repeatedly bashing me over the head with the rock I've been living under. ;)

    Edit to add: I think the spirit of my point is still valid though if, in the same category as Andres got his nod, Tom Colicchio got a nomination for Craft.

  3. I think I've just now come out of my carb coma from that night.

    Pretty much everything was excellent, and the mussels in particular were absolutely to die for. Probably my favorite preparation of mussels I've had in the DC area.

    I also loved the addition of the sea salt to the creme caramel, but I agree with DanielK's criticism: it wasn't distributed terribly evenly, and some bites were much less salty than others.

    Without a doubt, I will be back, preferably with friends in tow.

  4. I received this note last October, which I reproduce with the author's permission:

    "I put the over/under on Frank and Jackie Greenbaum working together at 6 weeks. You wanna make a prediction?"

    Without knowing anything about the individuals involved, is there a particular reason why this was a partnership that was doomed to fail?

  5. Is there a coralary then? If you live in MoC, but you're willing to trek to Ray's the Steaks because, truely, Mark is so worth that drive; is there a reason to go to Ray's the Classics instead? Since I understand the fried chicken is off the menu, I can't imagine why I would go to RTC instead of RTS.

    Because they serve the Hell-Burger at the bar.

  6. You're making a mountain out of a molehill here, Don. It's hardly as if these restaurants are saying that this is the best or most efficient way to donate to the Haiti relief efforts.

    And for the record, if I'm going to make an effort to go to Dino, which I can't afford to do on a regular basis, I appreciate Dean sending me an e-mail to let me know that if I choose to dine there during a certain timeframe, my money going in part to a worthy cause.

  7. The menu is definitely hit-or-miss, but I feel like when they hit, they're really good. Some of my favorites are the eggplant fries, the Roma flatbread, and the pulled pork sliders. I actually really liked the sliders, which made the genius decision of adding smoked gouda to the sandwich to add the smokiness lost by the fact that they don't have the facilities to smoke the pork shoulder.

  8. Tried to do some cleaning (to no avail) and stumbled across my receipt from a trip to CommonWealth a few months ago with a friend of mine who was getting married soon, and realized I hadn't posted anything about it here (particularly damning when you consider I consulted this site often when trying to figure out where to take him).

    Now, I must admit, I don't remember a whole hell of a lot about the different details of the meal, given that we were drinking quite a bit (not even counting the shots of Scotch our waiter was sending our way once he found out my friend was getting hitched), but what I do remember:

    -The pork pies had a lovely flaky crust to them that I thoroughly enjoyed

    -I loved the Scotch eggs, which is saying something, because I hate Scotch eggs

    -My duck confit risotto was just weird. Didn't work at all for me, and I ate maybe 1/3 of it.

    -The pork belly sliders were fantastic. I would go back and make a meal out of those little buggers alone.

    -Uh, they serve booze. Lots and lots of booze.

    All in all, a great time was had, and I thoroughly enjoyed most everything we had (and this is even before downing lots of booze - we paced ourselves, thank you very much). Being ridiculously convenient to get to as well, I think CommonWealth will become a frequent part of my rotation (or whatever semblance of a rotation I have). (Also, I apparently like writing in parentheses)

  9. After having eaten a few more times at the location in College Park, I'd like to retract anything good I had to say about this place. It seems after the folks from corporate headquarters left the place once they had helped it open, anything resembling quality control has gone out the window. Meats are dry, items are either bland or too salty, and worst of all, tonight I received a pickle that tasted sour in the worst sense possible. HOW DO YOU SCREW UP A PICKLE?!?!?!

    I refuse, however, to say anything bad about free soft-serve ice cream.

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