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Read meat

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Everything posted by Read meat

  1. I'm Dan and I've been in DC for about seven years now. The last few years my main hobby/addiction has been gastronomy, whether it be cooking, learning wines or really getting to know the DC food scene. In the past year I started a food blog called Read Meat (hence my name here), which is about self-teaching your way to eat and cook through your 20's, with a big focus on DC restaurants. Due to a new job, I've not been able to post nearly enough this past summer but I'm trying to get back on a blogging schedule this fall. In terms of my food roots, I really learned to love food while living in Italy and have since trained my palette and trained myself how to cook, at a reasonably talented level. In terms of favorites now, I'm not sure there's a more satisfying and comforting type of cuisine than Italian, but the last year or two Belgian/French have really become my go-to cuisine. I've eaten at just about all of the major DC establishments over the years but these days I find myself mostly searching for food that beats expectations at prices that don't hurt quite so much. Thanks to Don for putting together such a fantastic and helpful site. Cheers.
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