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Posts posted by qwertyy

  1. You can save in ziploc baggies and it's fine for sauces.

    No kidding? I can just freeze it? I freeze almost every other liquid I have leftover in ice cube trays; why did that not even occur to me? I overthink things so, so much. Thank you MV. :)

    But hey, now I'm curious about other options, so if anyone has other ideas, shout em out.

  2. Thanks for the advice, P and L. I ended up making the icing on Wednesday because I was going to be really pressed for time Thursday, and the cakes Friday night. They were awesome.

    Actually, they were awesome separately. I wouldn't do them together again. The cakes were dense and chocolatey and not too sweet and gorgeous. The German chocolate cake topping was really nice, but it was kind of insipid on the cakes.

    Note: I can't believe I just used the word "insipid" here, which I had always before found eye-rollingly pretentious when used in regards to food, but in this case it's actually true! And I'm also patting myself on the back that my tastebuds didn't just say, "CUPCAKECUPCAKECUPCAKE" and disregard the bad icing-cake pairing. Yay for a discerning palate!

    Note 2: When you are mixing and matching frosting and cake recipes, look at the number of servings on BOTH so you don't end up making frosting for the 24 cupcakes you need but only 12 cakes so that you have to make a whole second batch at midnight. Just sayin'...

  3. I have an unusual problem: a boatload of leftover wine. I had a large party this weekend and, trying to keep it flowing, I ended the night with two full, open bottles of white and and almost full, open bottle of red. Even if I weren't still hung over, I couldn't get through all of that before it turned, so I'm wondering what to do with it. I don't have a mother, so vinegar is out. Would I get something good that I could freeze and use for sauces if I reduced it down to a syrup? I honestly have no idea what my options are because this if a completely foreign situation for me.

    (I'm kicking myself that I boiled pasta yesterday in water after reading all the great things from you folks about boiling it in wine... [Coulda woulda shoulda.] Has anyone yet experimented with doing that using not so fresh wine? Like if I did it this weekend?)

  4. Thanks, lovehockey! Do you think I could make the coconut topping any earlier (tomorrow?) and fridge it?

    Observation: The reason I'm plunging into making my own is because I priced them at a few bakeries around the city. Holy Moses. When the cupcakes would cost half as much as the wine, Houston, we have a problem.

  5. I'm hosting a shower Saturday that has turned out to be a heck of a lot bigger than I thought it would be, so I'm trying to mete out the work throughout this week. I'm planning to make the cake from these cupcakes with the coconut topping from these.

    I can't even remember the last time I made cupcakes, and my expertise with baking is pretty much limited to banana bread, so: HELP.

    How early can I make the cake? The night before? If so, what's the best way to store them? Should I wait to ice them until the day of or can I do that the night before too? Can I make the coconut topping tonight or tomorrow and keep it in the fridge for the rest of the week? I'm using the cake from the Dorie Greenspan recipe because I know she's the best of the best, and the guest of honor loves coconut so I want to use that topping instead. Am I overcomplicating?

    Thank you muchly!

    ETA: 24 cupcakes is enough for 25 adults and four children, right?

  6. We pretty much finished up our Christmas prime rib yesterday. I had made stock with the bones and chopped up some of the slices to go in the beef barley vegetable soup I made with it yesterday.


    I saved our prime rib for soup too. I thought it a worthy use for the leftovers. Not making it today-- I'm going to simmer bean and ham soup.

    I made chili with leftover prime rib one year. It was outstanding.

  7. I've got to say, I've worked in communications for 15 years, and I don't think I've ever dealt with anyone so resistant to something so elementary as a categorization. Especially when that categorization would open up all kinds of new horizons and avenues that would help that product expand and improve. Thank goodness authors are not allowed to weigh in on where they get put in library card catalogs.

    I get it. You want to be the first edition of the OED.* You know that was social media too?

    *AWESOME book.

    (At this point, I may need to take myself out of the conversation because I'm not sure what else can be said without a tutorial.)

  8. And I wish that more restaurants would use this central repository of data known as donrockwell.com - which is read only by people who actively tune into this channel, and are thus actively interested in the information - more constructively and strategically, especially considering it doesn't cost them a dime, and the target audience is hyper-focused on what they have to say.

    Don, someone had to tell you someday, so I'll step up:

    DonRockwell.com is social media.

    Standard websites are repositories for information; they may be updated regularly with press releases, event announcements, or menu updates, but that content is a one-way street, a blast of data into the world.

    Social media are an avenue for interactive dialog--a data blast that encourages response, a question and answer, a conversation among multiple interested parties. It is DR.com's social exchange--and thoughtful moderation--that elevate it from a regular online community to something truly special and unique. It may be unprecedented in the social media world for its organization, civility, and usefulness, but a social medium it is nonetheless.

    Sorry to have to break it to you. ;)

  9. I really wish more restaurants would use their social media accounts constructively and strategically. Seeing menu updates is nice and all, but during the three or four weather emergencies a year--or even federal holidays--those accounts are your moneymakers. I'm not going to wander around the neighborhood in the hopes that someone is open. But if I KNOW you're open, I'm probably going to rally the troops and stop by.

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