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  1. I believe there are some open spots along Main Street in Purcellville. Also check out the strip mall near Mickey D's. We went to a "new" place called "Mom's Place" yesterday. Food was okay but service was slooooooooow! Good luck and please post if you find a spot and open. I'll bring the family.
  2. Hi Everyone. I'm new member Monica who also read about this site in the Post. I am not in the restaurant biz but am a paralegal who loves (along with my husband) good food, good wine and cooking (I do, he eats what I cook). My interest in the industry is gaining as I have a nephew who is in his first year at Johnson & Wales Culinary Program in Rhode Island. A few years back, I introduced him to good wine (with my brother's permission....or so I thought). My nephew now loves pairing all types of food withe wine. Through my "lurking" on this site, I hope to discover new places to take my husband (hmmmm, that should be the other way around) to eat and drink. We live in Alexandria and both work in DC. I look forward to reading about great spots for HH's, brunches, lunches, dinner and any meals in between. Thank you for having this site. I haven't finished exploring yet but during lunch, I'll click around the site. By the way.....what/where is FF? Thanks.
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