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Dr. Delicious

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Posts posted by Dr. Delicious

  1. Continuing our tour through spectacularly divey, if culinarily mediocre McLean restaurants, the boy and I had breakfast at MFR on Sunday. We ordered basic items and the food was quite good, actually. We each ordered 2 eggs, over easy, and they were perfectly cooked, with nary a botched yolk. The two pancakes we large, plate-sized, striking a good balance between fluff and heft. Accouterments of bacon and sausage were good, with the bacon nicely cooked to personal preference (I like it brittle). The only miss were the homefries that just didn't have anything to it, and weren't prepared with any real thought.

    As with Rocco's, the ambiance was spot on and the service was friendly and attentive, particularly concerning drink refills.

    [i'm guessing this place also qualifies for the "oldest restaurants" thread, tho I didn't take notice of the date and they don't have a website.]

  2. I've rather enjoyed my 2 trips to Rocco's. It delivers exactly what you'd expect from a suburban, downtown, dive Italian eatery. It's also quite accommodating to families with small children, in the sense that they and their behavior aren't likely to disrupt what this place is going for.

    As for the food, it's"¦decent. On my first trip I ordered a plain cheese, but the waitress brought me the wrong pie, so I had a surprising go at their white pizza. I liked it quite a bit, very garlicky, and I would get it again. On my second trip I got the plain pizza, and it was just OK. Actually, the crust and sauce were fine, but the cheese didn't offer much flavor. A better cheese might make this a quality pizza. The oven and the way they cook them isn't the problem here.

    The table next to mine got one of their deep dish pizzas, and it looked legit. There was a nice char on the side-wall of crust. Another table got an order of chicken parm (I believe), and it also looked just like an order of chicken parm should at a dive Italian family restaurant "“ huge portion, lots of melted and somewhat blackened cheese, served with a side of spaghetti. I admit, I was intrigued.

    Anyway, I feel like these kinds of divey, family restaurants are a dying breed, yet they are a vital part of the restaurant ecosystem, particularly (as I'm now finding) for those with small children (my boy's 2.5).

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  3. An XL New Yorker pizza is a great deal for both price ($12.99) and quality (a completely satisfactory pie, not remarkable, yet not bad. Note: crust tends toward the thin side).

    What really stood out was the service: I strolled in with a 2-yr old in tow and no wife, and the proprietor was as helpful as could be, going beyond expectations. He was kind enough to have an employe search the back room for some milk, even though they don't offer it on the menu. When they didn't have any, he left his counter position and filled up a cup with water, added lid and straw, tending to my child. He also brought a range of spices to our table and came back around to re-fill my soda for me. Did i mention this is just a counter pizza joint, and that there is no wait staff. You wouldn't know it by the attentive and helpful service I got. I left impressed.

    Oh, and for some reason, they've gone all out and provide high-end, bendy straws, in assorted colors. Also much appreciated!

  4. Just thinking out loud...I, too, was struck by an article that noted Biden's order of 2 medium and 2 large subs cost nearly $60 (!), but I suppose that if the medium subs are footlong and priced in the $10-11 range (as hopsierph noted), i believe that puts them in line with the other local fancy sandwich shops (i.e. Taylor). It makes me wonder how large the large is...

  5. Our go to Pho 88 is somehow closed on Tuesday (!), so we gave Pho 50 a try. While they provided an uneven takeout meal last night, if we ordered more judiciously, we could have ended up with all hits. Of course, you need to limit yourself to only a couple items on the menu, but it's a small selection anyway.

    I really liked the broth that formed the base of the soup. It was aromatic and flavorful, with a some good cooked in spice, so I didn't even feel the need to add rooster sauce. Toss in an ample portion of basil, cilantro, plum sauce, sprouts, and noodles to get a full-flavored pho and a filling meal. I got my order with the meatballs, which were terrible. Unidentifiable and inedible meat compacted into a tasteless, hard and yet somehow also spongy ball. Given that I didn't want what ended up being plain pho, this was a cruel twist. My wife got the chicken, which looked fine.

    We also got an order of each of their rolls. One version (spring rolls, I'm assuming) was fried and quite tasty. That was due mostly to the hard frying and the taste of the oil they use, as opposed to the ingredients in the roll. Whatever, tasty is tasty. The other was their soft roll in the clear wrapping, which didn't appear fresh and were bland. You're only tasting the dipping sauce at that point, and even for me (a sauce hound!) that wasn't enough.

  6. I kinda doubt there will be a Washington Post 10 years from now, and the world will probably be a better place as a result.

    This comment angers me. I know perhaps a dozen people who work at the Post, and all of them are smart, thoughtful, caring, professional, etc. These are real people, and the demise of the Post would have terrible consequences. To say the world would probably be a better place with out the newspaper that employs these people (and many, many others) is stupid and thoughtless. They produce a newspaper, after all. Comments like this serve no purpose and have no place on this board. I should say, instead, that I think comments like this detract value from this board.

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  7. The Ritz South Beach Miami is posh and has great facilities and amenities, imho. The ability to hop back and forth between the beach and the pool is a huge plus, particularly if you have a small child, as we do.

    Pro Tip: Order virgin versions of their pool/beach-side drinks. Why? Because you never taste or feel the alcohol in their non-virgin drinks, and they'll cost you several dollars more.

  8. Hey, I work with the mother of the Executive Chef at Lily's, and keep meaning to make my way over there, given I travel to Dayton several times a month. Glad to hear it's good! Mariah (the Executive Chef) is a fine young lady, hard worker, and has put her time in in several local establishments, so i'm not surprised...

    Also, why have i never posted in this thread before? Some quick hits from outside of the city:

    Gyro Palace -- a good, casual stop for greek food (gyros, souvlaki, hummos)

    Amar India -- solid Indian food...cetainly the best in the area

    China Cottage -- excellent Chinese food, and imho, better than anything i get here in DC. Because of that, I eat here every trip I make (and, as a Jew, I'm legally obligated to regularly consume Chinese food).

    The Pub -- surprisingly good Scotch Eggs, and selection of W(h)iskeys from this gastropub chain. Good happy hour deals, too.

  9. This reminds of me an interesting thread on this site, perhaps a couple years ago, that was about tipping on wine (and how, if you purchase a $50 or $500 bottle, the serving process is the same, yet the tipping charge is quite different), and ventured into tipping on discounted food items (and, iirc, it included an interesting and worthy argument against tipping on the usual, full-price amount). I'd link to it if I could remember what the thread was called. I guess that makes this another less-than-helpful-post from me. Keeping the streak alive since 2006. Ha!

  10. I made my first trip to Arrowine on Friday and really enjoyed my experience. A very kind, helpful and knowledgable staff helped me pick out a selection of 3 cheeses and 4 meats, each of which was sliced in small portions to accommodate my small party of 2. I was also steered toward one of the better wines I've had and at a price below what I was willing to spend. And that baguette...wow...tasty! A really great mix of food and wine that deserves a more thorough inspection. I wasn't bothered by the prices (noted above) since i was buying for a casual but special occasion. That being said, I'm not sure there's much variation in price compared to where I typically buy specialty cheese (Cowgirl Creamery) or Charcuterie (Dean&Deluca -- tho it's been many years). In any event, it didn't feel like I was overpaying (tho perhaps I was).

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