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Posts posted by JuneBacon

  1. Long story short, Tuesday night we arrived at Orso, my wife 3 days past her due date. No signs of contractions.

    I ask Chef Will to create a baby buster chef's tasting menu. 5 beautiful courses, 4 perfect pizzas, and 10 hours later contractions had started.

    20 hours after stepping foot into Orso, we were holding our new baby boy.

    Will Artley, ladies and gentlemen, fetus whisperer.

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  2. I find a good method with smoking, since I only use a webber kettle, which needs much attention and is leaky like a sieve, is to smoke for 1/4-1/2 of the time the meat needs total.

    I then finish it in the oven over night, low and slow, about 215-220 deg. on a raised cooling rack over a sheet pan to simulate the dry heat that smoking provides. A good smoke flavor can be achieved within a few hours, although this method won't give you the best smoke ring. Sometimes I end up smoking too hot and it can really dry out the meat.

    I know the BGE is almost completely sealed though, so temperature fluctuations should be minimal. Let us know how it turns out!

    By the way this book is an ABSOLUTE must for beginners into the world of smoking and true bbq. I use those recipes as the temperature guideline for my oven finishing.

  3. Padma's arrogance is hitting critical mass. I'm not sure how much longer I can tolerate her. I have no problem with arrogant celebrity chefs who have worked their way up the line and gained their fame, but she is no chef and some of her comments are just unbearable. She is a privileged brat and hasn't earned anything.

    /Sorry about that.

    Anyways. Speaking of arrogant, those comments Josie made about how she had the competition in the bag, haha, too funny, I knew someone's comments would come back to bite them, her's certainly did.

    That was one of the most educational episodes. The comments about Josie leaving the skin on, I never thought about that, but its bound to be greasy with floppy skin. Also, I want to try Josh's smoked and fried chicken, such a great simple idea !

  4. The other two should have stepped up for Kristen as well. Her concept worked, and she should have been credited for that.

    Zora, I agree, the product placement is disgusting, the show has evolved, for better or worse. That said, this season has been more entertaining, IMO, than the previous, oh I don't know 4 seasons? Ever since Top Chef DC (included) the show has been diving downhill.

    Line cook or executive chef, I'm sure these people could use the money.

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