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The Free Market At Work


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Notice: Whichever publication gives donrockwell.com, Don Rockwell's Dining Guide, or dcdining.com's blog the most attention (in the form of mentions, links, etc.) from the time period January 12th through January 31st (story about Edan Macquaid doesn't count), gets a story to break (off the record and behind the scenes). This silent award is to be given by a panel of one judge: me.

I might make this a regular thing. Needless to say, anything that a restaurateur, manager, chef, publicist, or for that matter, anyone, tells me in confidence or asks me to withhold is not subject to disclosure by me, ever. My word is my bond and I give you my word.

Hoping also that The Washington Post (which is probably mentioned or linked to on this website no less than 1,000 times) can rethink their Blogroll which contains 33 DC area food websites - including one that no longer exists - now that Joe Yonan is on leave?

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