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Donate an Electric Bread Slicer


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I thought I'd put this out here, just in case someone has an extra bread slicer and doesn't know what to do with it.

My Mom runs the preschool affiliated with the Jewish Community Center of Richmond. She asked if I could search around for an electric bread slicer to help in their kitchen with their weekly challah delivery. It looks like they really only make professional quality ones, starting around $1500. So if anyone is thinking about replacing theirs, or would like to make a tax deductible donation, please send me a message. I think that space is at a premium in their kitchen, so the the smaller ones would be ideal.

Alternately, if anyone knows of a manual one that isn't just a holder with slots for your knife I'd appreciate knowing about that. Something more like a hard-boiled egg slicer, where you push down a handle and have your bread sliced.



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