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Everona Dairy

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Something new to look forward to w a great back story: Everona which has been producing cheeses from sheep's milk in Rapidan, Virginia for over 12 years.

The dairy will be joining the market at Dupont Circle this Sunday, May 11, 2008.

Dr. Pat Elliot started the business after buying a border collie and finding her pet really needed something to do. While continuing her medical practice, she also tends over 100 sheep and earns awards for her wheels of aged cheese.

Everona came to the Penn Quarter market yesterday for the first time and seemed to gain a following quickly. Unfortunately, she is not allowed to sell the yogurt and ricotta she makes for her family since she lacks the expensive equipment that federal regulations mandate for pasteurization.

Here's her web site: Everona Dairy.

N.B. Everona is not replacing anyone at either market where there are still fresh and aged cheeses produced from the milk of other animals. I am not sure if the web site above lists markets more convenient to folk in Virginia or Maryland, though there are directions to the dairy.

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